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  1. C

    Which light should I pick? (+292349324 rep)

    Oh yeah, it says bulb and backup bulb, and the bulb has a big discount as opposed to the backup bulb, and there is a choice of a mh conversion bulb which is a lot more then the hps bulb, so instead of a free hps bulb + 28 dollar mh conversion bulb, il get the mh coversion bulb as the main bulb...
  2. C

    Which light should I pick? (+292349324 rep)

    Thanks a lot guys, but (this will sound dumb) can I stick a mh bulb in this?
  3. C

    Peat pellets

    Well, are they just for cloning, or can I put germinated seeds in them?
  4. C

    Which light should I pick? (+292349324 rep)

    And how long do you say the bulbs last?
  5. C

    Fertilizer & pH levels

    And I found something called pH balance that is supposed to bring the pH to aprox. 7.00. Is this worth buying?
  6. C

    Which light should I pick? (+292349324 rep)

    Wait, so I can just get a 400w lamp and use hps and mh bulbs in it? Please explain. I want to try to do this, it sounds like a practical idea.
  7. C

    Fertilizer & pH levels

    Thanks a lot guys, you been helpful and I think I'll use DynaGro. One more thing though. When do you start/stop giving it nutes?
  8. C

    Which light should I pick? (+292349324 rep)

    But my question is, can a 150hps grow 2-3 plants til sexing so I can be sure I have a female? (and then just grow 1 female)
  9. C

    Which light should I pick? (+292349324 rep)

    Will a 150 HPS get several plants along far enough to determine sex, then I can throw out all but 1 female?
  10. C

    Fertilizer & pH levels

    What's a good, simple, cheap fertilizer for flowering? And how can you get dirt/water/fertilizer that already has an acceptible pH level? I can't go for a tester and ^ & down right now
  11. C

    Which light should I pick? (+292349324 rep)

    A closet, 3x3 or 3x4 I think. I'll hang the light from the shirt pole thing which is 5'4" or so up.
  12. C

    Is this what you guys mean to filter my water?

    I hear the nutrients in tap water are supposed to be good for the plants, but I have not tried it yet
  13. C

    Which light should I pick? (+292349324 rep)

    If I was to stick with one light for the entire grow, would it be better to pick a 150w hps, or a 400w mh? Please help... :sleep: Oh and do you think this comes with a free bulb?
  14. C

    I need some help with a light and soil pH!

  15. C

    I need some help with a light and soil pH!

    Oh yeah something else. Are those expandy-pellet things just for cloning, or would they be good to start seeds in?
  16. C

    I need some help with a light and soil pH!

    First things first. How long will I have to veg for with this you think? Or rather, how long should I? Back on topic. If I buy a Will it be enough to...
  17. C

    150w HPS?!?

    Well phenix tells me you can grow a couple plants with a And I only want to end up with 1-3 females, so could I use this? And if I do use this as opposed to a 400w, will I get less weed/have to wait longer? Something...
  18. C

    Afghani Hindu Kush

    Can you guys recommend a good place to get a cheap pipe? Thankz.
  19. C

    Afghani Hindu Kush

    Thanks for the warning, I never thought about that. Also, are pipes easier to smoke or something? I already have rolling papers ordered and being sent to me, but yeah.