Which light should I pick? (+292349324 rep)

Oh yeah, it says bulb and backup bulb, and the bulb has a big discount as opposed to the backup bulb, and there is a choice of a mh conversion bulb which is a lot more then the hps bulb, so instead of a free hps bulb + 28 dollar mh conversion bulb, il get the mh coversion bulb as the main bulb for 8 and the normally free hps bulb for 16 totaling 24 in bulb instead of 28... yay I save 4 bucks.

So should I get the 120 lamp, spend 24 for bulbs ( of bolth kinds ) and 10 or 20 on a timer?
I think I will do this, my main thing now is the timer... should I just get the 10 dollar one?

P.S. scroll to the bottom of the page on http://www.htgsupply.com/Product-HTGSupply-400-watt-High-Pressure-Sodium-Grow-Light.asp