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  1. leo9

    hanging leaves

    I readjusted the Ph to 6 is this still too high? This happened very suddenly. I am using the recommended amount of nutes, should it be cut back? She looked beautiful until yesterday when suddenly the Ph shot way high. Should she recover from this? I am relying on this plant and need her to...
  2. leo9

    hanging leaves

    Have a train wreck in a bubbler bucket using earth juice bloom nutes. 1 week into flowering and leaves are suddenly hanging. Tested the Ph and it was right around 7 too high I know. Gave her a nice thrive root soak and changed out nutes ph now right below 6. Today leaves still hanging and...
  3. leo9

    suddenly limp leaves

    put train wreck into flower a week ago today its leaves are completely limp. hanging straight down off the plant. It is in a bubbler bucket and I am using earth juice bloom and thrive. the Ph was very high right around 7 usually I keep it around 6. I am using T5 lights and its room is kept...
  4. leo9

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I actually grow nettles organically in my back yard but here in washington you can find them in any forest. At any rate you take a large amount of nettles, roots and all, and chop them as small as you can get them, put them in a giant pot and cover them with boiling water. At this point you...
  5. leo9

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hi I use nettle tea as both a foliar spray and a mite controller. I have used in both indoors and out. can this be safely added to a dwc bucket? The ratio for steeped nettle tea is the same as for your tea 1 cup tea to 10 cups of water. Nettle tea grows beautiful gardens of any kind and...
  6. leo9

    serious wilting in bubble buckets

    Thanks guys! The little engine that could is now beautiful again and is standing tall at 21 inches! I do not know what this ppm is that I keep hearing about so if anyone has any info about I would be glad to hear. After reading your posts I gave her half strength nutes and clipped off all the...
  7. leo9

    serious wilting in bubble buckets

    herpes! oh just my luck how is this treated? what should I watch for? the roots are bright white and not slimy though I did get a second air stone for it. It has had an air stone this whole time, but I am willing to add more. I will try and get some pictures up somehow though I have no...
  8. leo9

    serious wilting in bubble buckets

    roots feel fine not slimy and since it is starting to be chillier here I am pretty sure heat is not the issue. In fact I may need to put a water heater sleeve on it soon lol. Though once I move it out to isolation I will keep an eye on the water temp since it will be in a smaller room. It is...
  9. leo9

    serious wilting in bubble buckets

    Thanks guys I will use a meter since the test kit he has is the kind with a tube you fill with water etc and the tube is discolored. He just lets his plants die when this happens and I am not so willing. I was going to refill the buckets with half strength nutes and continue a foliar spray...
  10. leo9

    serious wilting in bubble buckets

    I nursed a train wreck from a tiny clone that was a throw away to a beautiful plant. My brother and I then put it in a big bubbler bucket since it had gotten big enough. Now it along with a few others, have suddenly developed hanging droopy leaves that are yellow then turn crispy and die...
  11. leo9

    serious wilting in bubble buckets

    I nursed a train wreck from a tiny clone that was a throw away to a beautiful plant. My brother and I then put it in a big bubbler bucket since it had gotten big enough. Now it along with a few others, have suddenly developed hanging droopy leaves that are yellow then turn crispy and die. I...
  12. leo9

    Nettle Tea

    I have used nettle tea as both a fertilizer and bug killer for years on my regular veggie gardens outside. Also as a foliar spray indoors and out. I am wondering if it can be used as the nute base in a bubbleponics system. I do not like chemical fertilizers and cannot afford to buy from a...