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  1. B

    Keeping Mother Plants for Cloning.

    yes you can. put them inside. 10/14 light 10 hours on 14 off. ive experienced that those light cycles gives it enough light to stay alive but not enough to force it to flower or grow more than you want it to.
  2. B

    big buddha cheese 8 cuttings

    after putting them in flowering if supplied with enough light they have the potential to grow twice as tall. usually it will grow about half the height you put it into flowering at. but it everythings right, your 1 foot plant can get up to a little more than 2 feet.
  3. B

    leaves wont stop dying, pissing me off!

    So,im a semi experienced grower. got two plants in my closet. a 2 foot cherry ak 47 and a 2 foot XJ 13. the cherry plant is tremendous, beautiful and healthy. no problems at all. but my xj 13 plant seems to not want to live. the bud structures seem to be forming fine. but all the leaves are...
  4. B

    what ph should i be shooting for to water and feed and all that jazz

    and make sure your waters ph is at around 7.5. prefferably at 7.5.
  5. B

    Help, my seedlings won't grow anymore!!

    transplant them into bigget pots so that the soil level reaches the leaf with about 1/8 of an inch of stem showing.