big buddha cheese 8 cuttings

hi everyone,

i was just wondering if nanyone could help me, i have 8 cheese cuttings and have grown them to about 1ft, i was wondering if i flicked them to 12/12 how much taller would they get?

i want to achieve 3-3.5 ft plants and hope 2 get 2ounces of each, is that about right??

thanks and any help would be much aprisheated :leaf:
after putting them in flowering if supplied with enough light they have the potential to grow twice as tall. usually it will grow about half the height you put it into flowering at. but it everythings right, your 1 foot plant can get up to a little more than 2 feet.


Well-Known Member
not sure on that strain .. but most indicas double in size .. sativas times 3 .. if your plants are healthy you will be pleasently surprized im sure ..