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  1. X

    Constant pH meter?

    What are some decent pH meters I can just mount somewhere and leave in my res, obviously will have to clean/calibrate every so often. Was looking at one of the Hanna ones but people say they are having alot of interference problems with them and the ballast. Any help? Budget is like ~200...
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    AC Questions.

    Looking to cool a 11x11 room, with a 1000w light. 2 choices. 8,000BTU window unit for ~300. Or 10,00 BTU portable for $100. Pros/cons of each?
  3. X

    Weird problem, hoping someone can point me in the right direction.....

    Help? It started on one plant and moved to the others. Not sure what to do.
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    2 Plant questions in one thread.

    I was going to pop them into 5 gallon bucks tonight or tommorrow, with ocean forest as the soil.
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    2 Plant questions in one thread.

    I gave them nutes twice, then they burned and I stopped. Yes I realize I was a bit early to be feeding, but it was like 1/4 strength. For soil I am using this: heres some more pics. Anyways, I got some cal-mag on the way, but I still have some unanswered questions, should I feed the...
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    2 Plant questions in one thread.

    First up, i have noticed my leaves are doing this on only 2 plants, any idea as to why? The leaves are folding up like tacos. Why is this and what can i do to fix it? Now the second question is nute burn. Whats the best way to recovery? The tips of mine are yellow, last time I fed was...
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    Not sure if this is a problem or if its normal (pics inside)

    They are all under a 400w MH right now only a few inches above the plants. Could this be a cause of me going from 24hrs to 18/6 on them for the first time yesterday(I plan on continuing with the 18/6)? I can drop it lower but risk higher temps....
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    Not sure if this is a problem or if its normal (pics inside)

    Perfect just what I wanted to hear.
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    Not sure if this is a problem or if its normal (pics inside)

    So I went to go check on my babies and noticed that 2 of them are pointed up like this in the picture, and the other 2 are "normal" what does this mean, is this a problem or should I keep on growing? Is the 2 plants closest to the camera in the last pic. -Thanks guys.
  10. X

    How is this light setup?

    I lowered it probally 10in lower than it was before, I grabbed a fan and put it in there, dropped the temp roughly 4*. Staying at 78-80ish now.
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    How is this light setup?

    I Just lowered the light to around 20in off the top of the plants and turned the ballast up to the full 400w. Temps didnt seem to rise. I have to go to work for a bit, would it be a good idea to leave it like this knowing the temps could rise up to 90 again, or should I turn the ballast back...
  12. X

    How is this light setup?

    Light is a good bit taller than a foot from the plants. The lower I bring the light the higher my temps get. Not sure what the ideal temp is, but I dont feel it should be 85*+ I had it a bit lower last night to mess around, and sometime over the night/morning it got to a max of 90* on the...
  13. X

    How is this light setup?

    Why exactly is that, to much light? Should they go back under the 4 T5 40w CFLs for now?
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    How is this light setup?

    low 80s according to the thermometer on the peice of wood.
  15. X

    How is this light setup?

    Its a 400w HPS setup with the ballast turned down to 250w, got the light a good distance from the plants, which were planted on the 7th after successful germ and finally sprouted a few days ago. Should they go back under the CFL for another week or so?
  16. X

    First grow from a newb.

    Today started off with a trip to the local hydro store to pick up some goodies.... That resulted in moving some things around.... Went from 4 T5 40w's to this The ballast is turned down to 250w, and its hung up as high as I could get it away from the plants. They seem to be doing alright...
  17. X

    First grow from a newb.

    So if my water is good to go, the soil will be as well?