Not sure if this is a problem or if its normal (pics inside)

So I went to go check on my babies and noticed that 2 of them are pointed up like this in the picture, and the other 2 are "normal" what does this mean, is this a problem or should I keep on growing?

Is the 2 plants closest to the camera in the last pic.

-Thanks guys.


Active Member
yes, but dont have the light too far away or the stems will get way too long and be more likely to get damaged.


Well-Known Member
yes those are classically stringy. If your lamp is too warm to be close to the plants, use a CFL with a fan in the box to induce strong stem growth. You want to see leaves around 1" or less from the soil. Otherwise, yes they will inevitably die.

What light are you using to veg your babies?


Well-Known Member
As stated reaching for light. And make sure it's not too far away (It looks to far away).

Get them right under there are you're going to have a stretchy stringy plant.



Well-Known Member
I am currently mythbusting CFL vs T5, each about 1.5" from the top of the plant. Sadly the t5 does not appear to be nearly as efficient as a single CFL
They are all under a 400w MH right now only a few inches above the plants.

Could this be a cause of me going from 24hrs to 18/6 on them for the first time yesterday(I plan on continuing with the 18/6)?

I can drop it lower but risk higher temps....



Active Member
im thinking thats too close. Flourecents can be 3 or 4 inches off their tops but that MH bulb you have could burn them. I am a flourecent guy so I can't give you much advice on the lamp you have. Keep reading theres more info out there than you need

18 and 6 is good and fine,

Like the other guy said, get a flourecent light or two and a little box and be gentle with those things, they dont need much for week or so. That bulb seems excessive for seedlings