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  1. mrbotanical

    Burned circles on all leaves eventually killing them off...pls advise!

    pH fluctuations & over-fert issues (quantity, frequency) have probably caused some micro-nutrient deficiencies or toxicities (depending on which side of your pH scale you have swung).
  2. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    Lol. It does in my neck of the woods...
  3. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    Was only ever referring to my profile page, never wanted to see "everyone's" activity. My question arose after visiting other people's profile pages & seeing the "activity" there had a lot of different posts/users in the "all" activity, I put 2 & 2 together and thought they were replies to...
  4. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    I'm so ronery, so ronery...
  5. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    Right, its because I'm a billy no-mates, now it makes sense! It was the "my activity" on my profile page I was referring to in the first post: Did you think I was referring to the forum activity?
  6. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    You couldn't elaborate on that a bit more for me could you Dr. G? What differentiates the "all" activity from "mrbotanicals" activity on my profile page. I thought I had it figured, sounded pretty obvious what it was for, but now..
  7. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    that explains a few things...
  8. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    Guys, what's up here then? Subscribed to a few threads, no problem, default subscription is set to "subscribe through control panel", but still aren't seeing the replies/new posts in "my activity", & on "my rollitup" page it says there are no "subscribed threads with new posts to list" even...
  9. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    Thanks Racerboy & Dr G, think that was the issue, as I was subscribed to the forum, but not the individual threads that were in it & therefore couldn't see any posts/replies from others in the "All" section of "My Activity" on my profile page. I thought being a "paid up member" got you access to...
  10. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    Other people's replies received to threads I've started. Sorry for any confusion. Is that normal then?
  11. mrbotanical

    Login Dialogue Box Issues.

    I would have thought it was more a script error/issue than a hardware issue, but hey, bill gates I 'ain't. Don't seem to be suffering the issues on any other site, phone or not.
  12. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    If that's the case, thanks for a sensible reply. Thought I was having more grief with my profile page...
  13. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    Obviously not my own replies, other people's. Thought I'd described it well enough, probably not.
  14. mrbotanical

    Can't see replies to threads on profile page.

    Whilst on my profile page viewing posts in the "all" section of "my activity", I cannot see any of the replies I've received.
  15. mrbotanical

    Plant nutrition & Deficiencies

    I guess what I'm trying to say is soil/substrate composition, condition & pH are paramount; soil pH should be constantly monitored & adjustments made as necessary. Adding fresh layers of soil/compost throughout the grow is always beneficial & helps replenish it. Any application of fertilizer...
  16. mrbotanical

    Login Dialogue Box Issues.

    No issues on pc today, did play up a bit yesterday but seem OK now, although I am still suffering it on my android devices, (could just be my phone!). Always clear cookies, cache, etc. after every session, being a paranoid bastard! Thanks anyway rollitup.
  17. mrbotanical

    Login Dialogue Box Issues.

    Strange goings-on with the login again. Its not happening every time I login, but most; when the username dialogue box is clicked on, the "username" txt does not "delete" itself, you have to manually delete it, whereas other times it behaves normally. The password dialogue box issues, seem to be...
  18. mrbotanical

    Spots On Leaves

    Backing off with the food is a good idea. Its these feeding schedules that cause most of the problems to start with. If you have a salt build up in the soil, & its pH has become imbalanced, then it will benefit from a flush. Have you been monitoring the pH of the water going in? Have you got any...
  19. mrbotanical

    Plant nutrition & Deficiencies

    Sorry you feel that way bud. Care to elaborate on the "many invalid points"?
  20. mrbotanical

    Plant nutrition & Deficiencies

    Understanding, reading & reacting to your plants needs can sometimes seem daunting, & when you don't know what's causing a problem, it can be hard to know what action to take. Here are a few pointers that may help: Nutrient availability is directly proportional to pot size, (big pot = more...