Spots On Leaves

Issues: Spots On Leaves

Setup Details:

Light: 600W HPS
Temps: 70-77F
Humidity: 30-40%
Medium: Fox Farms Ocean Forest
Nutrients: Fox Farms Liquids
Light Cycle: 12/12
Currently: Day 27
Watering Schedule: Every Other Day

I went out of town for a few days and had my girl water the plants while I was gone. Only difference from usual is she used RO water instead of Distilled water. I don't see any signs of nute burn. Any ideas?

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Active Member
Ask her if she watered while the lights were on or right before they came on, and if any of that water could have gotten on the top surface of the leaves. From what I understand water on the surface of the leaves can magnify the light and burn the surface where drops rest. How close is your 600w HPS? If the spots do not spread I would not worry about it. Usually with calcium deficiencies you will see dead spots occurring on your leaves. If I'm ever in doubt I just google or search the forums for what ever deficiency I think it might be to help disprove/confirm my notions.Just my opinion :)


Active Member
What is your feeding frequency? Could be the beginnings of an over-fert. issue. If you can test your soils run-off to determine its pH, it will be a good place to start. Plain pH adjusted tap-water is fine, doesn't need distilled.
What is your feeding frequency? Could be the beginnings of an over-fert. issue. If you can test your soils run-off to determine its pH, it will be a good place to start. Plain pH adjusted tap-water is fine, doesn't need distilled.
Feeding with every other watering, and currently watering every other day.


Active Member
Probably starting to show the symptoms of over-zealous use of nutrients. Feed with ever other water? Too much. What dose have you been feeding them at?. Have you added anything to the soil, like slow release fertilizer, or any other additives?
Probably starting to show the symptoms of over-zealous use of nutrients. Feed with ever other water? Too much. What dose have you been feeding them at?. Have you added anything to the soil, like slow release fertilizer, or any other additives?
Feeding with every other water. Been using the full dose from the fox farms feed schedule. I worked my way up to it though. Plants were showing signs of hurting for nitrogen bad couple weeks ago. Nothing has been added to the soil. Going to just use plain water for the next week see how things go. Whatcha think?


Active Member
Backing off with the food is a good idea. Its these feeding schedules that cause most of the problems to start with. If you have a salt build up in the soil, & its pH has become imbalanced, then it will benefit from a flush. Have you been monitoring the pH of the water going in? Have you got any means of testing pH? If so, you could flush them & test the run-off to get an idea of the soils state.
Well it turns out the Ph of my water going in the soili was off. It wasn't an issue at first because I was only doing partial doses of the nutes. However once I started using the full dose it was throwing the Ph way off. I opened the closet last night and a bunch of leaves were twisted/curling, etc.

I flushed each plant with 1 gallon of distilled water (they are in 1 gallon pots). Hopefully that was enough. Going to give them 2 days to dry out and see how they recover =(


Well-Known Member
Have to agree with above. I have seen this in my garden when I got a few drops of water on my leafs.


Hello fellow growers. Can someone please tell me what this is? i can't tell from pics from other posts on "Spots on Leaves" I'm guessing its a Nitrogen Deficiency or calcium. It has only developed on lower older leaves. Thanks!!