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  1. Laoming

    Astral Projection

    Trying to control it starts with you realizing the difference between reality and being in a dream state. Eventually over time, if you keep a record of your dreams, you'll get a pretty good feeling of when your in a dream or not. There is no one particular sign that a person can tell you, its...
  2. Laoming

    Titty's,one of god's miracles !

    Oh good god my eyes. Not fapping material at all
  3. Laoming

    Favorite Thing To Do While High

    Going over to a woman's house is something I call productive. I just like to regularly make me know how much I care.
  4. Laoming

    Astral Projection

    Astral Projections are insane. Does it happen to you often? And are you able to control it yet? I've only had it happen once and that was years back. It was very simple and involved me looking at myself sleeping in bed. I can control lucidity fairly well depending on whats going on in life...
  5. Laoming

    Favorite Thing To Do While High

    Smoke a little more. Masterbate. Get something productive done. Reward again with masterbation.
  6. Laoming

    Titty's,one of god's miracles !

    Double Mocha Latina order of C-Cups, please. :hump:
  7. Laoming

    What do you guys think?

    So I shoulda been a little more active, maybe 100+ posts, then decide to do what I did. Okay =.= Sorry lol
  8. Laoming

    Is It Safe To Put Your LapTop On Your

    Other than the heat it emits from the bottom its fine. I've read before about the heat affecting guy's genitals. Other than that its fine =p
  9. Laoming

    What do you guys think?

    Does the picture have a meaning I'm not understanding.
  10. Laoming

    What do you guys think?

    Hola mi amigos and amigas! I love reading other people's rants/journals. Hope you guys like to do the same. is a little personal blog that I like to work on from time to time. What do you guys think :)