Astral Projection


Active Member
anyone know what it is better yet can anyone do it?

ive had expericance with it and done it i belive a couple of times what about anyone else


so somthing i read this morning was that you should never wake a sleep walker in old times it was belived that when you sleep the soul leaves the body and to wake sombody why there soul was gone would cause a zombie so to speak....i belive you have to be in touch with your higher self in order to start feel the deffernce between your soul and your vessel know how to leave from it ....


Ursus marijanus
Whenever I see the term "astral projection" I am transported back to childhood memories of visiting a planetarium. cn


Astral Projections are insane. Does it happen to you often? And are you able to control it yet?

I've only had it happen once and that was years back. It was very simple and involved me looking at myself sleeping in bed. I can control lucidity fairly well depending on whats going on in life.
If you wanted to know more about astral projections, look it up on google. There's tons of information on lucidity and projections.


Active Member
ive notices it happens really good when there is a bad thunder storm comin in on happening like it happens everyonce in a while im tryin to learn to control it i got a book on it its just hard to tell the difference between a dream sometimes and a projection yeah ive had the out of body experiance tons of times ive dreamed shit thats happened later if not years down the road in my life happens all the time


Trying to control it starts with you realizing the difference between reality and being in a dream state. Eventually over time, if you keep a record of your dreams, you'll get a pretty good feeling of when your in a dream or not. There is no one particular sign that a person can tell you, its just a feeling you YOURSELF know. So I suggest every morning once you wake up record everything, while your memory is fresh. As many details as possible of your dream, even the tiniest details eventually help, as you'll find a pattern of sorts. I wish you the best of luck. Its seriously an exhilarating experience once you get a hang of it. =)