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  1. S

    The Attitude has the slowest shipping of any seed bank!

    i ordered in a diff name but do i have to sign and how if its a diff name?
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    Fbi operatives

    damn now im really fucking worried... what do they usually raid with...poeple...dogs or what?
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    Fbi operatives

    they came in a white unmarked van with blacked out that normal???
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    Fbi operatives

    yea the fbi can track down obama but they dont already know that my dad lives somewhere else... they wanted to talk to him but they didnt want his alternate address?!?
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    Fbi operatives

    do you think they will come back?
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    Fbi operatives

    i called him 4st thing
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    Fbi operatives

    when they asked if they could take a look around i said well he doesent live here no more. and they said uh ok and walked away....
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    Fbi operatives

    should i worry?
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    Fbi operatives

    if they where suspecting me wouldent they just say so?
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    Fbi operatives

    but they randomly asked me if i had any dangerous weapons or guns in the house. and when they where leaving i asked if they wanted his address they said thats ok...
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    Fbi operatives

    is it normal for a state police officer and a FBI agent to come to your house for your dads foid card because its expired?????????????????? and ask if they can look around even when he doesent live here anymore?
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    New Aerogarden need help from the pros!!!

    its supposed to be Blueberry from dj short i should of but i didnt really time the veg stage but i just let it get to the 12inch minimum and put it on a 12/12 it got to 12 in very very fast tho.
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    Was I followed home? or am I paranoid...

    dude mail order your supplies in non marked boxes... if people see you buying all different grow equipment in town they might suspect! just not a truckload at a time! dont tell no one not even your life long friend what your doing or growing. not even the pope can be trusted. lay low for a while...
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    fml Help!!!! Plants wWltering Pics Inside

    it looks a like a mutant has it not been growing five point leaves yet?
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    fml Help!!!! Plants wWltering Pics Inside

    its needs daylight cfl's as a overhead light and side light's and if its a new transplant it might just be a little stressed aka transplant shock also check your water temp.
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    First Time Aerogrow

    to digster did yours finish yet? check out my aerogarden grow.
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    First Time Aerogrow

    you got your aerogarden off ebay or your seed?
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    New Aerogarden need help from the pros!!!

    Seedlings (week 0-2) - No nutrients. Veg Period (week 2-5)- One 5.5ml packet per week Flowering Period (week 5-12) - one 8ml packet per week Change your reservoir water on a weekly basis, which is usually done with nutrient additions/changes.
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    New Aerogarden need help from the pros!!!

    at start up use the 5.5 ml packet for the first two feedings then go to the 8 ml packs.