First Time Aerogrow


Ight man. I added the airstone today. How long thoes plant takes to make a strong stem? Do you remember?
The stems grew thick and sturdy within 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. Right now like 7 weeks in the base of the stem is as big as my first finger. Pretty incredible with virtually no airflow.


Active Member
The stems grew thick and sturdy within 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. Right now like 7 weeks in the base of the stem is as big as my first finger. Pretty incredible with virtually no airflow.
oic.. having some problem with my plant. the leave's are so dryed up nd turning yellow .. I am goin to start all over when i get all the equit's..
how much nutes did you put at first time ? 1 small tab?


Actually, I didn't start my plant until like 1 1/2 weeks after the rest of my herbs. I didn't even intend on growing any weed. I used the starter nutrients when I first planted each pod, then like I said after about 2 weeks one of my sage pods hadn't germinated, whereas everything else had. So, I removed the pod, took out the sage seeds and put in the cann. seed. Since then, I've used 2 small tabs every 2 weeks. Sorry to hear about your experience- that really sucks.


As far as my experience, I can gladly report that it is beginning to actually flower- the tips are now becoming white with pistils. I guess, aside from all the research on this site and others I've just been very, very lucky... and I think much of that luck was in the seed, meaning the strain is good, was conducive to this growing medium and turned out to be female.


Here's some new pics taken today (again ignore the dates, my camera needs the date updated). The close ups don't do it justice, because it just won't come in clear close up. But, believe me flowers are taking off at every node and tip. This plant, although a bit stretched, looks pretty healthy and is exhibiting all the signs of healthy, vigorous growth at this stage in the life of the plant.



looks very nice, envy you kk

i am startin all over aft a week
Thanks, Weedss. I am not oblivious to the fact that I am very lucky. First grow (indoors anyway), one seed and very little to no real monitoring of pH, ppm, CO2 and so on. I just had a string of happenstances come together to make a beautiful and flourishing plant. I have a hunch that if I pay attention and make a real effort to the above factors I will really make it happen and grow some serious dank. Of course that would probably mean ditching the AG and springing on one of those hydro or HP aeroponics systems. Given the outcome of this grow I'll probably go for a more serious setup. Anyway, more info and updates are to come next week once she really begins flowering. I can't wait. And hopefully some of this information will benefit you in your next grow, which I can't wait to hear about. I've been following your grow and hope to hear good news in the near future. Later, bro.


Active Member
yeah man. I will need you in the future haha. Do you think aerogarden nutes works good ? just want to hear from you.


yeah man. I will need you in the future haha. Do you think aerogarden nutes works good ? just want to hear from you.
I can say with certainty that the AG nutes seem to work just fine. I'm sure some of those other brands out there may work better especially during flowering perhaps. But remember all 7 sockets/ pod holes are filled with herbs. I've got parsley, thyme, oregano and sage in the other 6 pods. Like I said in a previous post, however, those have taken a backseat to the ganj and are small, having grown very little since the bud has gotten bigger. I just let 'em go and focused on the plant in question. I opened my closet this morning to see like double the flowers (white pistils anyway) from yesterday. It is really taking off. Soon I'm going to have to remove the hood from the arm, drop the base to the floor and hang the hood from a rack to accommodate the size of this thing. From what I understand the plant can practically double in size with the colas growing up and up.


Active Member
I can say with certainty that the AG nutes seem to work just fine. I'm sure some of those other brands out there may work better especially during flowering perhaps. But remember all 7 sockets/ pod holes are filled with herbs. I've got parsley, thyme, oregano and sage in the other 6 pods. Like I said in a previous post, however, those have taken a backseat to the ganj and are small, having grown very little since the bud has gotten bigger. I just let 'em go and focused on the plant in question. I opened my closet this morning to see like double the flowers (white pistils anyway) from yesterday. It is really taking off. Soon I'm going to have to remove the hood from the arm, drop the base to the floor and hang the hood from a rack to accommodate the size of this thing. From what I understand the plant can practically double in size with the colas growing up and up.
good good. because i am not willin to buy other nutes..

did you get paid yet? , what kinda job do you have ?


Active Member
ebay is retarded man. never gonna use it again lol. damn my budget is getting higher... what kind of light reflector are you using it? nd do you have a pc fan inside of your closet?


good good. because i am not willin to buy other nutes..

did you get paid yet? , what kinda job do you have ?
Yeah, payday was yesterday... just no time to get around to hittin' up my local garden center. Anyway, I work at a home improvement store- you know, customer service, sales, ect.


ebay is retarded man. never gonna use it again lol. damn my budget is getting higher... what kind of light reflector are you using it? nd do you have a pc fan inside of your closet?
No reflector, but I'd like to pick up a mylar blanket. You can pick those up at your local Walmart or camping supply store for pretty cheap. They're basically a solar reflector. Also, the only source of air circulation I have, which I only put in about 2 weeks ago is one of those Ionic Breeze gadgets. According to another member they're actually not good for plants and humans alike, yet it hasn't hurt anything yet and she is still flourishing. Yet, a small fan blowing indirectly on the AG would definitely be a better alternative.


Active Member
No reflector, but I'd like to pick up a mylar blanket. You can pick those up at your local Walmart or camping supply store for pretty cheap. They're basically a solar reflector. Also, the only source of air circulation I have, which I only put in about 2 weeks ago is one of those Ionic Breeze gadgets. According to another member they're actually not good for plants and humans alike, yet it hasn't hurt anything yet and she is still flourishing. Yet, a small fan blowing indirectly on the AG would definitely be a better alternative.
no mylar where i live. i am thinkin to line up some paper nd paint it to white. keep me info, later man.


Active Member
have you ever had any problem with the res temp?. the water is pretty warm right?. I was thinkin to maintain water litt chiller so the root can get more oxys.
what is your PH stays at ?.