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  1. P

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    I have more experience with audio engineering than plants. Egg cartons are useless,that shits an old wives tale. someones been watching too much Hustle & Flow.
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    Clones not genetically identical.
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    Brittle Stems - Why?

    yup closed!
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    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    I run flood tables with multiple strains growing simultaneously on occasion and find foliar feeding helpful in keeping the more nute hungry plants happy.
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    GH nutes & H202...

    i generally use about 2 to 2.5 ml (29%) per gallon. In my 15g i add 1oz every few days and in my 25g i add 2oz. I've heard of people using twice as much without problems but haven't tried myself. Hope that helps!
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    Final Flushing Discussion

    People often flush to help with salt build up, this is a good reason to flush but not the one the OP is talking about. The flush to improve taste thing is old as time so I'm not even gonna waste time arguing but its a myth IMO. I'd love to see some science behind it...could also use some better...
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    Final Flushing Discussion

    Any science behind this? It just makes no sense to me, drying is about water content not chemical. If your after a shorter dry/cure or better flavor then look into different methods of dry/curing, not growing/harvesting. Lowering humidity and allowing the plant to use up its water just before...
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    Need Some Help

    Let me check my crystal says you need to give more details....
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    Final Flushing Discussion

    I don't flush....what chemicals? Nutes are broke down to ions when used by the roots and stored in the leaves, no matter organic or otherwise an ion is an ion. We don't smoke leaves we smoke flowers! Keep your plants happy. I just don't see any reason worth "flushing"...
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    Veterans Answer Only!

    Not a vet but i have 1 with alternating nodes 18 days from seeds sprouting....
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    Raise humidity without a humidifier? a spray bottle?
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    1st Grow Ever, Hydro, AN, advice please

    Putting the cart before the horse eh? YOU can answer all your ?'s with 3 words. SEARCH AND READ! You got quite a few ?'s in there.....lets see what i can spoon feed you for now... Hydroton-good and re-usable PPM meter-worth the money watering-depends on grow medium wick-shouldn't be necessary...
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    6 weeks flowering couple questions/update

    I wouldn't flush at all, its a plant not a toilet! I would make sure you have a low humidity and let the soil dry out just before harvest to increase resin production. Flushing is a myth about improving flavor but proper drying and curing is where the flavor is controlled. Happy growing!
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    how much larger once you start flowering?

    i'd veg a lil longer, if it gets too tall you can always supercrop that bia (lazy mans scrog)! Don't mind the Fluoro hater you'll be fine. Flowering stretch depends more on genetics than "vigor"
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    dehumidifier for closet?

    Yeah i'd be curious to know too....i just threw out whatever came to mind lol.
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    So much condensation!

    Bahahaha! Yes!
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    opinions on trimming and topping

    Not sure why i was quoted but if you chop off all your lower branches then supercropping is less effective...or u can chop clones from them lower b's, or you can add side lighting, or you can just start em in 12/12 and not really have "lower branches" or you can harvest the top majority of a...
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    opinions on trimming and topping

    Really depends on a lot of variables and that's why its kind of a personal preference but i don't trim anything thats not a clone. Frmrboi nailed it pretty much. It'll shed leaves and create canopy on its own most the time. Don't follow the shed light on budsights by cuttin off fan leaves for...
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    dehumidifier for closet?

    A heater, silica gel, kitty litter, more fans, cheap dehumidifier from walmart or ebay...
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    Raise humidity without a humidifier?

    I'd lower your temps before you raise the humidity...and i wouldn't raise the humidity much more than 60%.