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  1. narkill01

    Growing in a pc box

    Lol thats sweet but who the hell has all that shit for free? lol wish I did! Nice setup!
  2. narkill01

    Growing in a pc box

    Looking Good!
  3. narkill01

    Growing in a pc box

    They could be lil aphids.. check the leaves regularly for any little brown dots crawling on them. If you see any they can mess up a crop pretty bad.. lady bugs do work on these critters and they love hanging out on the marijuana plant lol. Had a few on mine (which was in an open container) and...
  4. narkill01

    Growing in a pc box

    Nice I like Free! lol
  5. narkill01

    More Trippy Trichs

    looking foward to seein those final cut pics tho! Ill be checking!
  6. narkill01

    More Trippy Trichs

    why thank you! lol. I was bout to ask what camera you used but you have it posted under your pics. Ive got a nikon d3100 and love it. There are so many things you can do with dslr cameras!
  7. narkill01

    More Trippy Trichs
  8. narkill01

    how long should i put plants in darkness for before flowering?

    During the final stages of flowering giving your plants 48-72 hrs dark has been shown to increase resin production by 30% in some plants (if i remember correctly from what I read before) I think it helps and is worth doing. didnt know if maybe thats where you had heard of giving an extended...
  9. narkill01

    how long should i put plants in darkness for before flowering?

    Ive always just switched.. keeping morning the same but switching the bedtime.. no dark period needed inbetween.. But Im not sure if that helps get it into flower faster.. Ill be checking to see if someone posts something helpful! lol.. The only thing I know is that if your plant has been...
  10. narkill01

    Growing in a pc box

    uno look into light spectrums that promote short growth. I believe more blue light (especially the first couple weeks of flowering to try to keep that pre-flowering stretch at bay) is good for keeping plants nice n squat. You could have 24/0 on in a pc as long as you can keep the heat down..
  11. narkill01

    Growing in a pc box

    Looks like a more comfortable spot for those lil beauties! Good luck!
  12. narkill01

    Drying time help

    Nice thanks guys. It all got hung up except what was too just got laid on the bottom of the carboard box rigged to be the "dry hanging box". Planning on trying to put it in some glass jars and try to cure it over the period of a month or so..with regular daily openings so it hopefully...
  13. narkill01

    Tub Girl..Blueberry Kush

    Yes! Thank you! I Can't wait to see it tomorrow when I get back from break. I hope its dried well enough to start curing it!
  14. narkill01

    Tub Girl..Blueberry Kush

    Just did her in. oh yes. Didn't notice till after but ha the bud is covering the bud in Budweiser. ha shit.
  15. narkill01

    Tub Girl..Blueberry Kush

    Harvest time is here! Be cutting either tonight or tomorrow morning. Pics will be posted soon!
  16. narkill01

    Drying time help

    yeah i dunno what the RH is round here or in my room but I'm assuming its relatively close to ideal. the paper bag thing may be a good idea but would they possibly mold due to me not being able to shake them around for the 5 days I'm gone? If I left them on the stem would it be able to rehydrate...
  17. narkill01

    Drying time help

    Hey guys, coming into the harvesting stage of this blueberry kush.. shes a lil bit early and I'm wondering what to do with the smaller less mature buds during the drying process. Have to leave...
  18. narkill01

    Tub Girl..Blueberry Kush

    Jus a lil update
  19. narkill01

    bagseed genetics?

    I don't want to be jinxed but yeah same here.. I've only done bagseed grows and all have been girls.. 7/7