Drying time help


Active Member
Hey guys, coming into the harvesting stage of this blueberry kush.. https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/480246-tub-girl-blueberry-kush-5.html#post6638174 shes a lil bit early and I'm wondering what to do with the smaller less mature buds during the drying process. Have to leave them over the week..so 5 days of no checking up on it.. I know the bigger buds will be fine but will the small guys get to crisp in 5 days? ANY help would be appreciated.. harvest will be tonight or tomorrow morning. shes been in a dark period for about 60 hrs.

Thanks for the help, please reply with any info or thoughts!


Active Member
yeah i dunno what the RH is round here or in my room but I'm assuming its relatively close to ideal. the paper bag thing may be a good idea but would they possibly mold due to me not being able to shake them around for the 5 days I'm gone? If I left them on the stem would it be able to rehydrate a bit when I cure the rest? Some of the whispy buds Im just going to not really worry about but the small .1-.5g buds are what im worried about. CANT WAIT to see what the cola dries into! prettiest thing I've ever seen in person!


Well-Known Member
yeah i dunno what the RH is round here or in my room but I'm assuming its relatively close to ideal. the paper bag thing may be a good idea but would they possibly mold due to me not being able to shake them around for the 5 days I'm gone? If I left them on the stem would it be able to rehydrate a bit when I cure the rest? Some of the whispy buds Im just going to not really worry about but the small .1-.5g buds are what im worried about. CANT WAIT to see what the cola dries into! prettiest thing I've ever seen in person!
Know how you feel. I'm still in awe of the Bubba Kush I grew. It was some magnificent stuff.

Leave em in a paper bag with the top open. When you get back(they should be crisp on outside)seal em up. Then they get moist again, then you let em dry out....and goes the cycle til they are done! Not crispy and the stems snap!

Yes if you leave them on the stem it slows down the drying process. More moisture to evap. And yes the overly dry and under dry even out when you seal em up.

col. forbin

Active Member
I hang for about 5 days with a fan on low not pointed directly at the buds, then I put in tupperware and crack open for about an hours or 2 a day for the next two weeks. Then I smoke it.


Active Member
Nice thanks guys. It all got hung up except what was too small..it just got laid on the bottom of the carboard box rigged to be the "dry hanging box". Planning on trying to put it in some glass jars and try to cure it over the period of a month or so..with regular daily openings so it hopefully wont mold(which i dont think it would anyways..)