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  1. T

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    Do you re-veggers prune the root ball before going back to 18/6 (or whatever your veg times are) or after? I would be concerned with stressing the plant while still in flower and causing hermie problems. I was considering the following schedule: 1) Top Harvest First (2) Wait 5-7 Days (based...
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    FYI: Dehumidifiers

    ... thought I would share. I needed one so did some research and managed to get my hands on this (see below). I tend to shower with the bathroom door opened and between that and January environmental conditions, (when I purchased it) the humidity was almost 70%. Yikes! Not very good for...
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    Drying buds with dessicant (ala DampRid)

    I have read that moisture in air is lighter than air and therefore will rise rather than fall. How this applies to a setup with DampRid below the buds is beyond my expertise. I suppose it depends on how DampRid works. Questions worth asking 1) Is DampRid strong enough to draw moisture...
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    hermaphrodite in garden, please help

    My cabinet is 4.8 w x 4 h x 2 d. Airflow: passive intake w/case fan for exhaust. This was my first grow. I had four plants in the cabinet - Plant A through plant D. Plant B and C were male and removed. One plant (D) showed herm traits early. The other plant (A) showed female. I decided I...
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    More Trippy Trichs

    I like the back lighting effect in 0636
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    More Trippy Trichs

    I think I'm going to try putting the Radio Shack scope on the camera tomorrow. It should work.
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    More Trippy Trichs

    It's been a while since I spent time doing macro shots. I'm just having fun with the camera and sharing. Day 55 Flowering (Flush done - harvest end next week) ----- Printer's Loupe taped to front of Nikon 5700: Macro Mode: Priority-Aperture, Highest F-Stop Available: Manual Focus: ISO=100...
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    TRUE OR FALSE Finishing in a big pot results in larger yield?

    I just posted a good article with info I think relates. Just quick view the text for what applies to the original Q,
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    Trippy Trich Photos

    Printer's Loupe taped to front of Nikon 5700: Macro Mode: Priority-Aperture, Highest F-Stop Available: Manual Focus: ISO=100: HiRes: Timed Release/Picture on Tripod for stability. Camera Tip: Aperture F-Stop Settings: : High Number = small opening = greater depth of field* / Low number =...
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    When using RO(reverse osmosis) water you must use CALMG? T OR F?

    In my endeavors, I have researched and surmised the following: it depends on your grow medium and whether or not your plant will get the magnesium it needs because RO water does not contain any(thing). For instance, FF Tiger Bloom has magnesium so there would be no need to add anything...
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    Trippy Trich Photos

    Day 51 of Flowering.
  12. T

    Effects of Pruning on Roots

    I was just glancing through that again and this part - "At any one point in the tree, each cell is reading the combined, integrated growth regulation messages. This combination message generates not three individual responses, one for each growth regulation compound, but a single, genetically...
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    Effects of Pruning on Roots

    OK.. so I was looking up the effects of pruning in relation to root growth in order to help determine a pot size for my friends next grow. I stumbled upon this very good article/paper (about trees) and thought would share it with everyone else. There is good stuff in there about the difference...