What is the Deficiency I have going on here. Pretty confused. pics included


Well-Known Member
So my kids are in their 2nd week of veg and some of the leaflets on my Fire OG look to be trying to fold themselves inward. I know leaves reach for the light and at times the tips of the leaves are point upward, but this one looks odd. I only have 2 fire og aside from the others and they both seem to be doing this. The tips are also turing a little brown (boron deficiency?). Check out the middle leaflet.View attachment 1901609


Well-Known Member
when leaves curl up like that it is usually due to heat stress move your lights back and get a fan on her.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I do have a fan in there, I will add another one and lift the light, I have a 1000 watt hps about a foot away, too close?


Sector 5 Moderator
Thanks, I do have a fan in there, I will add another one and lift the light, I have a 1000 watt hps about a foot away, too close?
Holy crap, yes!! Unless you've got glass under the bulb and a lot of air moving across the bulb to the outside, it's going to be too hot, especially for basically a seedling. The rule of thumb is if you can hold your hand under the light at the top of the plant and not be uncomfortable, your plants will be fine too.


Well-Known Member
yes, a 1k 1foot away from a seedling / clone is toooooo much light

thats why them dimmable bitches are so nice


Well-Known Member
Awesome, I have tested it on the back of my hand, held it there for about twenty seconds and it was to much heat for my hand. There are others under the same light and the others don't seem to be having this issue. Possibly just the strain type?


Well-Known Member
lol....1000w a foot away.....suprised ur not tryn to grow ash....hahahaha....i keep my 600w bout 18- 20 inch away


Well-Known Member
There is a diamond Og and a bubba under the same conditions that are doing phenomenal, which is what confused me to start. I figured it could possibly just be the type of strains because only the two fire ogs are exhibiting these traits. The Diamond OG looks amazing.


Well-Known Member
its cos they probly on the peripheral of the light mate...that plant u got curlin prob gettin all the heat...as near as u can wivout burnin ya hand is the way


Well-Known Member
try n position your thermometer as close to your canopy as posibble so you can read the exact temps your plants are experiencing. If its on the floor or near your intake or right next to a fan you wont get a true reading. I dont fix mine anywhere and keep it floatin around at the most desirable position. And man, you gotta get a cool tube. I only got mine a few weeks ago and daaaaamn. Im lovin it.



Well-Known Member
cool tubes are ok...but i heard they dont spread the light proper...theres better ones out there apparently.....id check into it...


Well-Known Member
u could veg probably 100 plants of that size with a 1k lol

haha that reflector is fuckin hilarious

the advantage to growing vertical is not only the light radiating from the tip of the bulb, but from the light emanating from the sides of the bulb ( without being reflected off aluminum ). that thing is huge haha


Well-Known Member
LOL, I know right? Sure enough though, it still is awe-inspiring. Vertical bulb mount inside a horizontal symmetrical reflector, 8" cooling ports look more like 4" in the photograph it's so big, and I like the hinged glass frame as well! XD

How close do you put your lights to your plants with the cool tube intact
Mr.Buds, I don't know the exacts with a 1K and a cool tube, but recommended height for a 1K in general is no less than 18"-24". With adequate ventilation it might be possible to go less than that with an air-cooled reflector hood w/glass, but I don't know personally.