Hey all,
My female plants are starting to sprout seeds in a few areas. I have noticed this on a few plants. Specifically towards the bottom of the plant. There has been no male pollination. Is this a result of the plant trying to survive on its own there for reproducing on its own. I think I...
Thought I would give an update on my grow. Its been about 3 weeks since last post. Looking really good. It looks like i've got about another 2 weeks. :)
Hey all,
I was inspecting my plants today and I found a seed in one the female plants. It is a very healthy female with no signs of hermy. From all the spots of this 5 foot plant I was only able to find one seed. I checked nearly all the seed pockets and they were empty except for one towards...
Thanks. I don't really know just yet. They've been flowering for about 4 - 5 weeks now. Never grown Northern Lights before and from what I've heard the flowering period is a little longer for this genetic. Maybe another 4 to 5 weeks.
Hey, Just log in after not be on for a while. I posted a grow ccycle of mine on your thread "show your rooms off". I figured I would go ahead and post what I got since Its almost ready for Harvest and I will be packing my grow up for a while.
Based on his spelling of simple words like "wondering" I don't think he's generally a bright person. Trafficking X pills may be a non violent crime but the drug itself is dangerous and can definetly mess with you in the wrong way. If your trafficking pills across state lines your just asking for...
Hey All,
Thought I share my current cycle. Its an organic Northern Light cycle. These plants went through topping as well as lolipopping. The plants are 5+ feet and are in 2 gallon pots with 400 watts HPS. The plant on the far right was not lolipoped so I can see a comparison and as you can see...
The second picture is the only one that shows a preflower. This post can be very confusing to someone that does not know what to look for. The first and third picture do not show preflower
OP are those your own pictures in the first post?
People say Greenhouse sucks because it is true. Call yourself lucky if your WW lived up to your expectations from Greenhouse. Have you grown WW from anyone else than Greenhouse? Try it out I'm sure you'll see a difference. Maybe their starting to get the stuff together but I still won't bother...
Nothing looked out of the ordinary. I actually already cloned the cuttings since than. It took a little longer than normal but still worked. I forgot to mention you may want to open the mason jar every few days of so, sort of like burping during cure. Don't know if you need to do this but that...