Shipping Drugs through fed-ex or ups....

It's a federal crime to ship illegal drugs through fed ex or UPS. I wouldn't do it. Also don't be retarded and get yourself caught up in drug dealing. Getting caught with a 1000 tabs of E will for sure get your ass sent to con-college. I personally say save some money go to school and learn something of value rather than wasting your time shipping E tabs across the country. Also if you are in school, I say wise up and stop selling drugs. No need to fuck up your life over something as stupid as a few hundred to thousands of dollars. In the long run thats chump change compared to what you could make.
Ok here it goes, I've been traveling cross country with a large amount of ecstasy tablets (over 1000) for some time and was wandering what risks are associated with shipping them. I've done some resaerch already and found the US postal service uses dogs but fedex and ups do not. Let's say I were to anonymously send it to myself from another state. If confiscated, what charges would I face, if any at all?

Basically I am tired of driving around with all this shit and want to mail from Miami to NY. Any other ideas are greatly appreciated. :weed:

FEDEX and UPS are in bed with the DEA and local LEO. They are in my local hub evey other day sniffing packages. read your fine print and they can and will open a package for just about any reason. we are trained on what to look for in suspicious packages and to contact local LEOs if we have a suspect package. we also get a reward for finding drugs and or money...

i used to work for fedex that how i know.

and 10 pills will get you a trafficing charge in the good ol south.....
My question is can hash be seen in a cream or lotion if i send it to another country..can a scanner scan a small amount in a cream while shipping????
sorry i know this is for marry sight but i dont know where else to go...i found someof my moms percs here and was wondering if i put them in a emty bottle and sent them to her in a small box or soemthing can i send it thruy the mail or something?? or would i get into touble?? thanks and im sorry again...:wall::leaf:
Where would u like me to make my post. This is the most knowledgable forum I know of all the e sites r full of retards who don't know shit, and for the guy who states the ecstasy is a charge per pill, I'd like to see ur sources on that. Also e or MDMA is not a hard drug. Crack is a hard drug. Heroin is a hard drug. MDMA has no scientiffically proven negative effects and is also not addictive. I place it in the same category as shrooms and other hallucenogens. Thanks to all others for there help.

you're a f**king retard if you think X isn't a hard drug. hell ive never done it but im well aware some types of X have heroin and coke/meth in them! maybe not all but many have those mixed in w/ the MDMA. MDMA isn't exactly natural shit either. you have to do a lot chemically.

X and coke, meth, heroin, crack, etc = no difference in the eyes of the law

If youre doing X you might as well start smoking meth along with it. Ive SEEN people get hooked on X and start doing it daily. I had a good friend (notice i said HAD) who starting w/ MJ...then began to experiment with X...then he started going on X binges where he'd stay up 48+ hrs at a time smackin pills. it became a "weekend" thing...then it progressed to where he lost a TON of weight from all his pill popping. dude was 5'8-5'9 and weighed less than 135lbs after the X got a hold of him.

eventually he went broke and gained his weight back but its still not safe. no way.

from X then he went on to actually use meth and then on to coke. i have no idea where that fool is now (he's still alive) but ive been told to stay away from him (thru mutual friends that have seen him) as they said he's a shell of himself who is broke, jobless, homeless (bounces from couch to couch) and is a huge thief as thats his only way to support his X, meth and coke habit.

so smarten up and don't be a dipsh*t.

however...i do have some info that could help you and idk why im offering it but i'll help just because im a nice guy (despite what i just posted above).

if you really want to mail it to your buyer (because lets face it thats what you wanna do as if you were tired of "driving around with it" you'd just take that sh*t home.) then send USPS. they need a warrant to open your package (gov't agency they have to play by the rules) UPS/Fedex do NOT need a warrant to open your package.

heres why: UPS/FEDEX are private companies. once you give them a package to send and its in their possession...its theirs. they can open it or do whatever they see fit w/o a warrant. a worker can easily just open the package w/o any justification.

don't think there arent workers at FEDEX/UPS that steal out of packages either. especially when its drugs or cash.

when you ship USPS they are a gov't agency and must follow all laws. they can't open your package without a warrant or probable cause (ie. your package reaks of mj buds for example). They also have drug sniffing dogs (FEd ex and ups do not as far as im aware) which is the part that sucks but its still safer than hoping you can fool the ups workers who can open it for no reason.

so my advice: vacuum sealer + good packaging = a happy buyer/seller.

don't just vacuum seal them and throw them in a box. thats not gonna work. you need to mail something in the box w/ it. something to disguise it in the even it passes through an x-ray machine.
Come on guys, go a little easier on him. It's just a question from a fellow member of the community.

I have seen and heard of many ways to do this, but don't think for a minute that there is a foolproof way.

If even the smallest bit of air escaping can be picked up by a drug dog. You need to make sure whatever you put it in is airtight.

Another method is masking. Sometimes it can be hard to smell an odor if another is particularly strong. Shipping in something like peanut butter or coffee would be a great idea.

Disguise your package well. This doesn't mean just on the outside, but on the inside too. If they open your package to search it, you will be fucked. But if you disguise the contents to appear as something like a toy car, or some kind of nonperishables (if using coffee/PB technique)

Hope that is some help to you, and other people who aren't trying to ship things quite as hard as E.
Ok here it goes, I've been traveling cross country with a large amount of ecstasy tablets (over 1000) for some time and was wandering what risks are associated with shipping them. I've done some resaerch already and found the US postal service uses dogs but fedex and ups do not. Let's say I were to anonymously send it to myself from another state. If confiscated, what charges would I face, if any at all?

Basically I am tired of driving around with all this shit and want to mail from Miami to NY. Any other ideas are greatly appreciated. :weed:

Okay, let me put it this way... what you're really asking is, which is MORE dangerous... shipping it ONCE, or carrying it INDEFINITELY? Honestly I lean towards the first, though I do not advocate either.
Vacuum sealed and sent through USPS is the way to go. I don't know how to disguise it though. That's a lot of pills.
Something I'd like to add:

Although our fine friend who started this thread may be a complete moron and not understand the magnitude of what will happen (or should I say has or has not happened, seeing as this thread was made in 2009) to them if they are caught sending 1000 rolls through the mail, I have to stand with him or her for this one reason: This thread is 4 pages long. Now, 10% of these 4 pages being people showing knowledge acquired through common sense, saying how idiotic the idea potentially is, more or less answering our fine friends question. MY quam is with the other 90%.

Instead writing a long detailed explanation for myself and looking like a jackass, I will put it simply:

Please, rather than going threads like these and posting on how you hate or dislike drugs, or even more often writing on how drugs are terrible for you and will kill you, and how you "stay green only", keep you extremely arbitrary and rather moot points for yourself and talk about the real matters at hand.

UPS ships and delivers "coffee" safely 6 days a week. Spend a few extra bucks on packing precautions, use real name and real address if you're not prepared to take the loss. Good point Smolenja10
Good luck.
Ecstasy is most definitely a hard drug fool. I've done X before and I won't touch the shit because it's so dangerous. People overheat and die from that shit all the time. Now please move along and go over to the hallucinatory substances forum. That's right...this forum is for "General Marijuana Growing"...and you thought X has no negative side effects. It's obviously affected your ability to read.

Based on his spelling of simple words like "wondering" I don't think he's generally a bright person. Trafficking X pills may be a non violent crime but the drug itself is dangerous and can definetly mess with you in the wrong way. If your trafficking pills across state lines your just asking for a life behind bars. It's not worth it man.
Something I'd like to add:

Although our fine friend who started this thread may be a complete moron and not understand the magnitude of what will happen (or should I say has or has not happened, seeing as this thread was made in 2009) to them if they are caught sending 1000 rolls through the mail, I have to stand with him or her for this one reason: This thread is 4 pages long. Now, 10% of these 4 pages being people showing knowledge acquired through common sense, saying how idiotic the idea potentially is, more or less answering our fine friends question. MY quam is with the other 90%.

Instead writing a long detailed explanation for myself and looking like a jackass, I will put it simply:

Please, rather than going threads like these and posting on how you hate or dislike drugs, or even more often writing on how drugs are terrible for you and will kill you, and how you "stay green only", keep you extremely arbitrary and rather moot points for yourself and talk about the real matters at hand.


And didn't you just contradict yourself with this post? Lol