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  1. M

    bio bizz range questions

    Bio bizz is a great line of nutrients...I use there product from time to time.....yet for me it lacks fish hydrozalate , and the mixture of guano that IMO is what you will need to grow as big of buds that you can possibly get in an organic grow. Bio bizz active ingredients are molasses and...
  2. M

    New to soil. Anyone got any tips?

    mana mix by vital earth for me. its a soiless mix with coco, earthworm castings, glacial rock, and a small trace of 5-9-4 which cause of the air to root ratio supplied by mana mix wont burn your plants if given nutes during ANY stage of growth
  3. M

    whats wrong with my leaves

    hit it with seaweed and less nutrient
  4. M

    Best spider mite cures?!

    I MYSELF USE AZASOL WHICH IS 6% AZADIRACHTIN; WATER SOLUBLE & 100% ORGANIC and systtemic, so your plant uptakes it. better than oil
  5. M

    Flowering Problem? Nute Burn? Burnt Leafs?

    oops HEAT STRESS is evident cause of what you are associating with nute burn....air flow, move the light further away...and WAHLAH!
  6. M

    Flowering Problem? Nute Burn? Burnt Leafs?

    IMO your issue isnt so much nutrient burn, cause it looks like the plant is enjoying the food in picture number 2. id say heat stress and over watering. when your babies are that small over watering can give you an overall look of a non growing; stunted plant. allow the soil to get dry and WATCH
  7. M

    5 weeks flower, many yellow leaves, slow bud growth ..... need urget help guys.

    IMO you may not be using the correct form of seaweed it wants. yes algamic has it, yet topmax has more of it along with mollasses. also light, yes but feed it more bloom food, something like 20ml per gallon. i use biobizz proucts, yet the MAIN one i use if any, is TOPMAX all throughout flowering
  8. M

    how to use molasses? ??

    why yes you can.....i am currently in my 1st week of flowering in which from the day i began 18/6 i fed with molasses fine, just have to know how much to apply
  9. M

    how to use molasses? ??

    Bio bizz grow and bloom uses sea kelp and mollasses, so ive completed a veg with vital earths grow using the mollasses and seaweed on alternating feeds(feeding everytime with the grow).im currently in bloom doing the same problems yet!
  10. M

    Biobizz getting Crappy so what else is there?

    I use vital earths grow(4-3-4) and bloom (2-5-0) along with seaweed and mollasses. I use the seaweed twice a week during grow and three times a week during flowering. I use the mollasses every feed(which for me is eveyday) i use 30ml per gallon of the vital nutrient with no burn at all. I also...
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    I myself use azasol as a preventative and have used it when in an infestation hit my garden. When used properly this stuff works miracles without the worry of burn or lockout caused by oil based products on the market. It works against any garden pets from aphids, to spider mites;from white...
  12. M

    Very open minded and only here for proven advice

    Very open minded and only here for proven advice