Biobizz getting Crappy so what else is there?


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt that there is a Cal/Mag product out there that can put organic on its label. Also, can you not mail order any of these products? I get a lot of stuff my mail. I even got a 35 lb bag of coco one time by fedx. It was cheaper to have it shipped, then to drive and get it. Plus my time is worth money as well. COCO is the SHIT!!!!!! All the benefits of soil. With out the hassles.
I fear i may never be a pure coco grower although 20% of my soil is Dangley, is good stuff just as a small soil amendment, i even cap my pots of with it half way through flowering as my small pots change from having good drainage to too much as the root mass grows, keeps the water in sweet for a day or two longer. And yes i do agree but those nutes are worth more hassle getting than other brands but i have gone a lot futher for worthwhile products.

One thing i do wana cross is the organic Cal/Mag dude, i have heard that Humbolt do an organic cal/mag, i have not used it but have been told that it satisfys organic requirements (i may be wrong here though), if you cant find it then id be happy to pull up their link, i do know that instead of being EDTA chelated it is Amino acid chelated. My knowledge is limited on the product although cal/mag is one of my specialities!lol! See what you think of this so called organic cal/mag dude, i think it is probably the best cal/mag product in the world that i could see, certainly intresting if you run cal/mag. Peace

In fact for you Dangley i have pulled the link-

Two products, Sea Cal and Sea Mag although dont look organic to me anywhere!

I cannot get these products but have never ever heard a bad word said about them in all my years growing, if any one can bash Humboldt nutrients then i would be glad to hear about any possible down sides.


Well-Known Member
So to everyone else thanks for the input, Mr Gronn i just heard Biobizz having problems being too acidic in dry soils and pH problems hence whys! Now guys dont go there with the whole pH thing, there is probably very little i dont know about pH at this time in my life and i dont like to get involved but when some decent grower proved that biobizz and a few other parts of my knowledge failed in a few ways i was only too keen to believe him when he said Biobizz was problematic, like who cares anyway, if i can run a better fert than Biobizz then why not hey.

So floranova dont appeal to me much at the moment but i must say i missed an obvious one, the Canna Rhizo or whatever it is called, i think i seen somthing saying this is pH balancing and they do it in organic as well. This would suit me better and be more available.

It aint the NPK i have problems with but just Biobizz seems too easy to run into problems with and i cant water everyother watering because i always get overferting, seems really strong and even when perfect some deficiencies are prone to show a little.

Im down to the Canna line at the moment, seems right. Peace


I use vital earths grow(4-3-4) and bloom (2-5-0) along with seaweed and mollasses. I use the seaweed twice a week during grow and three times a week during flowering. I use the mollasses every feed(which for me is eveyday) i use 30ml per gallon of the vital nutrient with no burn at all. I also use vital earths mana mix as my medium. Vital works off of seabird and bat guanos, fish emulsion , bonemeal. So i use the mollasses and seaweed as my bloom last grow i fed every other day;this go around ive been feeding burn...nothing! cant get no more organic than that