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  1. M

    Fan Size

    Cheer guys - room design binned and have bought a grow tent - 1mx1mx2m - got my eye on a crackin wee extraction fan that should more than suffice. Hope to be up and running in the next few weeks, will keep you all posted and prob start my own wee journal on here. Happy Smoking!!
  2. M

    Fan Size

    what would you recommend in that case for lights? 400w?
  3. M

    Temp & Humidity

    Cheers matey - really cant wait to get started and start my first journal on here of my grow!! WOO HOO NO MORE(I HOPE) SHIT SMOKE FOR ME!!:joint:
  4. M

    Topics Talked About When High

    Usually my PS3 or something similar. Did have 1 REALLY fucked up convo with a mate once about what it would be like if Prof.Stephen Hawkins was to play the title roll in the newest Superman Movie(just before the 1with Nic Cage got scrapped!) That was one really messed up night!!!:blsmoke:
  5. M

    Fan Size

    Typical stoner!!! Forget to include the most inportant bit of info for the ?!!! Due to £££, will start off with a 600w MH for the veggie and a 600w HPS for flowering. Once I start to see the £££ benefits of not buying shit every week, will sort out 1000w of each.
  6. M

    Your First Joint

    I was 16, could only get hash, no green. My mate rolled one up and we smoked it together in his car at a local park then went for a walk around town. I remember thinking that nothing much was different, until we were right outside my mates mum's shop, thats when it hit me! I actually had to grab...
  7. M

    Fan Size

    Hi guys - I am in the final design stage for my grow room and was wondering what size of fans I will need for my ventilation. The room will be 4.5ftx2ftx6ft - I was thinkin gof using 2x120mm PC fans- 1 to blow cool air over my light/ reflector and 1 to extract the hot air from the room. Sound...
  8. M

    Temp & Humidity

    Cheers matey - crackin advice!
  9. M

    Temp & Humidity

    Cheers for the advice mate. Quick one on lighting - I have read the other threads, but 1 on 1 advise is always good - My grow room, I plan to be 4.5ftx2ftx6ft - will 600w bulbs be the best for this size or will I need the 1000w bad boys?
  10. M

    Temp & Humidity

    cheers mate, will keep everyone posted.
  11. M

    Temp & Humidity

    Hi guys, am new to the forum and to indoor gardening. Am at present designing my grow room to include the following - Air intake fan Extraction fan Lights (MH for veggie, HPS for flowering) Ozone generator for the smell But what I am looking for is a way to effectivly regulate the...
  12. M

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello 1 and all! Smashing site guys, been loads of help already. Live in Scotland, UK. Making my first foray into growing coz the stuff I get just now is far too young, its now stripped out right, not dried fully and, most importantly, too f**king expensive! Just looking to grow a couple of...