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  1. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks for the advice, be back w/pics in 2 weeks. ;-)
  2. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Nobody with a friendly answer? :-(
  3. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Ok, what do you think now? Is it cutting time?
  4. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    What about mine? Not going to be a huge yield, but she smells FANTABULOUS!!!!!!!!!;-)
  5. S

    My first Female....flowering stage to harvest.

    Just A couple from today.
  6. S

    My first Female....flowering stage to harvest.

    Thanks, I use filterred tap water and a nute mix I got from a buddy who grows tomatoes believe it or not. I water a little more or less than once a week depending on the soil.
  7. S

    My first Female....flowering stage to harvest.

    Here's some from today....
  8. S

    My first Female....flowering stage to harvest.

    Back to the growing lady, these pics are from a couple days ago. I'll do a full update tomorrow night, but she's hit a growth spurt. In 2 days she's grown 2 &1/2 inches and the buds are starting to fill out.
  9. S

    My first Female....flowering stage to harvest.

    Here's the runt from the other side of the seedling pot in post 1. It's been growing as a house plant, and I didn't expect it to make I'm going to force it into flowering cycle to see if it's a she...if so, it'll go in the box with my other girl, if not......the chopping block it is.
  10. S

    My first Female....flowering stage to harvest.

    Today. (She's 22 inches from dirt to top)
  11. S

    My first Female....flowering stage to harvest.

    Also forgot to mention that it has been 12/12 since seedling.
  12. S

    My first Female....flowering stage to harvest.

    I'm generally new to the indoor grow, so here's the info. I started her as a seedling outside, then she moved inside when hurricane Irene came in August. She's been growing in a homemade grow closet made of a mitsubishi dlp 60" HDTV box under 4 100W CFL bulbs with an industrial server fan moving...
  13. S

    Female? Male? HELP!

    A whole bunch more showed up today....... First female! I'm guessing the next 8 weeks or so are gonna Drrrrrrraaaag out. LOL Think I'm gonna start another thread tracking the flower stage.
  14. S

    Are these pistils?

    Checked on the baby this morning and found these.... What do you think? Anyone?
  15. S

    Female? Male? HELP!

    It's been a week and this morning when I checked to be sure the lights came on I found this. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but are these what I'm looking for? There's another just like it on the opposite side too. Fingers crossed.
  16. S

    Female? Male? HELP!

    The exact date I don't know for sure, but I remember it being a small seedling during Hurricane Irene so like the last week of August maybe?
  17. S

    Female? Male? HELP!

    Thanks everyone, and those pics do help. Just not showing yet. I haven't changed the photo period as I doing it 12/12 from the seed and from what I've read you don't change it.
  18. S

    Female? Male? HELP!

    First timer here, so my questions might seem stupid. Sorry about that, but I looked around and thought it was time, guess I'm just a little anxious. :-)
  19. S

    Female? Male? HELP!

    I have no idea what I'm looking at. Anyone want to take a guess??