Female? Male? HELP!


Well-Known Member
well, it kinda looks female. but, by experience, i might be totally wrong :)

cant be sure till you see balls or pistils (well, probably not without a lab or something anyway)


First timer here, so my questions might seem stupid. Sorry about that, but I looked around and thought it was time, guess I'm just a little anxious. :-)


Well-Known Member
it is too early to tell. have you changed the photo period yet? no question is stupid just some people are dicks! good luck with her

Grow mo

Active Member

yo i did a little editing to your photo and here are a couple of pictures to help you determine what the sex of your plant is, yes it may be to early to tell but with the quality of the picture i cant tell.... anyways where it is circled in red, right where the main internodes are you must look for the female or male sex part.. the female sex part (also known as the calyx) will have tiny hairs coming out of it (also known as pistils). a male sex part (known as the staminate primordia) will have a stalk like part that comes off the plant and the "Staminate primordia" is on the end of it, and there will be NO hairs (pistils) coming out of it. and remember the male part looks more like a stick on a ball. versus the female part which is in more a cone shape, with the pointy end of the cone eventually opening up and the hairs (pistils) come through...... hope this info helps you!! and good luck!!


Thanks everyone, and those pics do help. Just not showing yet. I haven't changed the photo period as I doing it 12/12 from the seed and from what I've read you don't change it.

Grow mo

Active Member
Thanks everyone, and those pics do help. Just not showing yet. I haven't changed the photo period as I doing it 12/12 from the seed and from what I've read you don't change it.
if your doing 12 12 from seed yes you dont change it cause its already induced into flowering. 18/6 is for veg which is just if you want to increase the size before flowering


The exact date I don't know for sure, but I remember it being a small seedling during Hurricane Irene so like the last week of August maybe?


Well-Known Member
yeah you should be getting hairs out of that thing soon if its going to be female...be patient :D


It's been a week and this morning when I checked to be sure the lights came on I found this. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but are these what I'm looking for? There's another just like it on the opposite side too.
Fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
lucky you, as of now it is a female and you must rejoice. Now do everything you can to avoid it going herm. keep records (write things down, like this) and make sure you give it enough light.

easy enough huh?


8.jpgA whole bunch more showed up today.......

First female! I'm guessing the next 8 weeks or so are gonna Drrrrrrraaaag out. LOL

Think I'm gonna start another thread tracking the flower stage.


New Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6390317 said:
dude why would you post this. theres no signs of sex how would we know? and its not like its urgent just chill
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ: hahaa, u know i was the same way. these kids, myself too (even tho im older now), want to know b/c there so excited.....eventually the novelty wears off. i know for me it does. but i still get excited sometimes. it's been 2 months and i bought a magnifing glass, terra-cotta pot (big), regular-nice soil (no nutes) just plain canadian shagnum & peat moss, w/ lime and perlite. i just cracked open another seed.


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ: hahaa, u know i was the same way. these kids, myself too (even tho im older now), want to know b/c there so excited.....eventually the novelty wears off. i know for me it does. but i still get excited sometimes. it's been 2 months and i bought a magnifing glass, terra-cotta pot (big), regular-nice soil (no nutes) just plain canadian shagnum & peat moss, w/ lime and perlite. i just cracked open another seed.
start a grow journal thread