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  1. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Only four plants total
  2. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Week two flower my smallest one is budding the hardest and its frosty as fuck already here's the pics
  3. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Sorry for the waight RIU life has been crazy. Here's some much awaited update pics my chemdog is five feet tall and five feet one of my lavenders is 6'4'' and five feet wide the other one is only three feet tall and last my purple chem is goin on five feet also the lavenders are goin to be two...
  4. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    My biggest one is 4 1/2 feet tall (second from the left) does anyone know if I ca crack the 1 pound mark with this one?
  5. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Here's some updates before flower the girls are lookin nice and healthy the tomatoes are beastin as well
  6. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Thanks ill post some updates when I start flower
  7. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    My average June July aug temps are around 99-102 and I'm in northern Cali
  8. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Also this is the first I have grown tomatoes when do the actual tomatoes Start showing up?
  9. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Thanks do you see any potential one pound plants in my future
  10. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Hey riu community can anyone give me a yield estimate or is it just too early to tell
  11. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Here's some updates of the girls just started running humboldt county nute line
  12. betoven916

    I'll be posting new pics in a few moments

    I'll be posting new pics in a few moments
  13. betoven916

    I got it from canna clothing .com 200$ worth it you should buy one the return investment is...

    I got it from canna clothing .com 200$ worth it you should buy one the return investment is humongous
  14. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    So there's the update on my garden sorry for the wait I know that was major riu foul but school has been hectic but it most certainly won't happen again
  15. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Also here's a new lady purple cchemis i just put in two weeks ago
  16. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Here are the girls and the tomatoes which have blasted off
  17. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    My girls are doin great except for one it has a purplish veiny color coming up the if anyone can tell about how to fix it ill be very thankful here are the pics
  18. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Gonna add a couple more plants to the family some aurora kush please give me your thoughts and opinions on what you would do ps also got tomatoes in the greenhouse as well ill have pics of those at a later date seeing as I just transplanted them and they're in a pretty good shock right now
  19. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Here's how they look lst'd
  20. betoven916

    Greenhouse ????'s

    Here's how the girls are lookin now