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  1. crazymanny00

    When will I see real buds...trying to be patient....

    3 weeks... just starting, they will come you must just be patient. the more you ignore them and let them grow you more you will be pleased by them :)
  2. crazymanny00

    filling out...n changing colors

    looks sick man good going
  3. crazymanny00


    looks sick grorite great job now enjoy that smoke :bigjoint:
  4. crazymanny00

    Pattern of drooping

    sounds normal, leaves will go down as they are preparing for the darkness tot come and don't need their leaves to be at max absorbtion
  5. crazymanny00

    9 dynamite clones led

    yeah man its fuckin happening in there looks ace cant wait to see some harvesting going on
  6. crazymanny00

    Can somebody answer this for me please??

    whenever you want :hump: given that plants double height in flower, take that into account also, the more leaves (veg) the more buds
  7. crazymanny00

    more air?

    yeah pretty much, never done aeroponics but i'd say its not doing much :) open up the lid once a day if you want to boost the o2 levels back up
  8. crazymanny00

    Can somebody answer this for me please??

    it is trait to make the stems stronger, a good thing!
  9. crazymanny00

    more air?

    21% of air is oxygen with a ppm of over 200000 so no they wont be shy of oxygen :)
  10. crazymanny00

    My plants.. How does it look? Pics inside

    does it smell good in there? the lemon in INTENSE
  11. crazymanny00

    My plants.. How does it look? Pics inside

    my SLH took about 10 weeks so yeah maybe 70 days
  12. crazymanny00

    Miracle Grow No longer a beliver.

    any soil can get gnats, can't judge the type of soil because they will crawl in the tiniest crack its the stores fault imo
  13. crazymanny00

    Quickly developing issue. Please Help

    lumens are debateable, yes, they measure the intensity of a light source, it is what we see but plants grown under 100 lumens will always be smaller than plants under 10000 lumens. i dont know how number of watts will help you. on a sunny day outside there is 30000 - 140000 lux (lumens per sq metre)
  14. crazymanny00

    Need a help fast

    definitely do not buy this. those 14w boards are everywhere and claim everything. biggest waste of money ever :)
  15. crazymanny00

    What toxicity is this?

    yeah because everyone is just waiting for you to post a thread. since you fixed it, why not tell us what was wrong?
  16. crazymanny00

    Help!!! gf sabotaged my plant and now its dying!! see pics

    i only tell my girlfriend because it would be ipossible to hide, plus she'd be annoyed if i hid something like that from her. the only way she'd bust me is if i cheated on her probably which i would never do. fuck bitches, get yourself a real lady ;)
  17. crazymanny00

    My first try at hydroponics..

    lookin sweet man nice job!
  18. crazymanny00

    airy buds? what causes it?

    the word is haze, all sativa doms will be airy it is just the way they grow.
  19. crazymanny00

    Would you top, fim, lst or just let it go? (Pic inside)

    train for the gain :blsmoke:
  20. crazymanny00

    Help Are These Male Pods.... ( Pics Inside Post)

    yeah like don said its a good trait gives strong stems