

Active Member
Nice plant i just started my first grow with 200watts of cfls hppin i can get some buds like yours gl with your next grow


Well-Known Member
Hey grorite!

Excellent stuff so great to see you with some deligthful final product!! Im so gutted as i have like 8 grams of bubblegum left... And about 12 grams of my other stuff, just a shame the 12 grams are not good weed at all. :( Never mind my next grow will be on a larger scale i want at least 10oz for my self haha i smoke way to much!!!!! So next time i plan to do about 8 plants. ;)

Well done again my man great stuff.

Marty B :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i hope the chloraphyl drops you to the floor.
Hey bud got some issues? I see your fairly new to the site. Keep your negative comments to yourself. Great way to make friends on here. What do you have going that's so great?


Active Member
Nice job grorite!!!! I had one bud under cfl and the other under the 150 watt hps... the one under the cfl had a lot of amber trichs... so I just chopped her and letting the others finish. She was on the smallest of 4 main colas, she was half the size in height stem wise. Just checking out my bag seed, cause if she is good for a 'taster' I will be happy with another week of grow. A couple of pics

edit: they are 66 days from flip, she preflowered the day I flipped.



Active Member
I feel that he will do a great job under HPS once he dials in the heat and humidity. Other than that, I do not see a difference for his next grow.


Active Member
Hey Grorite nice buds there. I just did my first grow with cfls but I had no where near 400 watts. Is there a chance to see how you had your room setup? If it is a trade secret I understand was just hoping to get ideas to improve my lighting without the price of the hids.


Well-Known Member
Hey Grorite nice buds there. I just did my first grow with cfls but I had no where near 400 watts. Is there a chance to see how you had your room setup? If it is a trade secret I understand was just hoping to get ideas to improve my lighting without the price of the hids.
i grew in an old dresser ended up adding some light down at the bottom they did a good job



Well-Known Member
haha okay so when did i troll you? are you still crying because i said you you must be doing something wrong if training wasent upping your yield just stfu dude your a waste of life


Well-Known Member
and belive me im far from broke. why dont you grow up a lil bit i can see i have some time over you so go suck your mommas tit cuz i dont need to here you crying i have my own kid to deal with.and how you said be mature ive done my time 4 years in iraq and afgan what have you done with your life besides sit on your mommys couch and steal your daddys weed. your nothing but a bitch i would lay you down so quick if i ever ran into you.


Well-Known Member
haha you are a straight up dumb fuck arent you???? and for matter of fact i was k9 unit took a bullet to my left thigh the only reason im out 2day so you can say all you want ive done thing with my life unlike you

ps. i prob made more money in 3 months that you could ever think about making in a year i own my own house and land have 2 cars 2 trucks all the toys anyone could ask for and the best wife and kids in the world so keep coming at me dosent hurt one bit like ive said your nothing but a big mouth bitch that thinks hes tuff sitting behind his computer screen beating off to his sisters pics