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  1. Orestesol

    Alex Grey

    i only hope that you stay natural in these "trips" you speak of
  2. Orestesol

    Best type of cannabis?

    no just each of the lists of which has the most thc% cbd% etc. looks like White Dog and White Widow is the best according to THIS lab
  3. Orestesol

    First Grow {ENDO}

    lmfao it's all good i found everything i needed to know without the help of anyone on this site :clap:
  4. Orestesol

    First Grow {ENDO}

    this sucks i see you know it alls all over this site and none of you fuckin dickheads can help a brotha out?
  5. Orestesol

    Best type of cannabis?

    this is exactly what i was looking for:
  6. Orestesol

    Highest THC Content?

    idk about 40% THC or anything like that, but i do know that at a local dispensary they were selling a packet of seeds with a "supposed" THC% of 28%. can't remember the name but i'll never forget the 28% because it was the highest i've ever seen with my own two eyes. idk if that helps, but it's...
  7. Orestesol

    Best type of cannabis?

    so the award for best cannabis goes to?? what's the strain that has the MOST thc percentage? no concentrates
  8. Orestesol

    Best type of cannabis?

    i appreciate your response & have taken it into high consideration. now as most of this information is passed on from word-of-mouth, IT DOES NOT MEAN IT'S TRUE i don't believe anyone unless they're a "certified Cannabis Historian" lol & neither should you, so any arguement on the matter is...
  9. Orestesol

    Best type of cannabis?

    i guess none of you understood the question.. BTW ruderalis is actually the third type of cannabis plant. Indica, Sativa, Ruderalis. It's actually even shorter than indica plants. Before anybody was ever hitting 10 perc bongs an sh*t, there was only ONE type of cannabis and that was the Sativa...
  10. Orestesol


    very well put. i have to agree completely.
  11. Orestesol

    First Grow {ENDO}

    I stated in my original posting that it were to be natural in soil. I think i'm just going to stick with HPS. And i've already compiled MY list as to exactly what i'm going to need. I was just searching for different opinions on the matter. My question NOW is, What's the best equipment to use...
  12. Orestesol

    Best type of cannabis?

    RuderalisxIndicaxSkunk :leaf::joint:
  13. Orestesol


    Share with me your views on this band.:peace:
  14. Orestesol

    Alex Grey

    Greetings to you & yours. I'd like to share with you a very inspirational artist by the name of Alex Grey. Let your mind wander with these photos & by all means take it upon yourself to look up his other workings. It'd also be greatly appreciated if anyone can share any similair...
  15. Orestesol

    First Grow {ENDO}

    Looking for some advice on a few things. I want to run an indoor cultivation room on a budget of $2,000. The growroom(s) i'd be working with are 5x5flowering & 4x4veg. All natural, soil, & only the dankest herb. Should I go LED or no? What's the best nutrients to use? etc. If you could put...
  16. Orestesol

    :bigjoint:Puff herb, get enlightened:leaf:

    :bigjoint:Puff herb, get enlightened:leaf: