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  1. B

    bugs! 7 weeks into flower!!

    yeahh that's what i was thinking really. im already on the 1 week of no nutrients phase so they're getting cut within the week anyway i imagine... it's just worrying. at least it happened now instead of a month or 2 ago :) thanks for your help guys!
  2. B

    bugs! 7 weeks into flower!!

    hey, i was wondering if anyone can give me a few ideas. there's a few plants somewhere ;) , from bag-seed, growing in soil, hps, biobizz bloom and topmax nutes every other watering, 75 degrees c in the day, 65 degrees c at night, 40-70% humidity with plenty of ventilation. my pH meter is...
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    Some reassurance please

    20 on - 4 off it doesnt seem right to me. 21 of 21? hmm. do even feminised seeds have that average? haha. plus, seeing the preflowers after 3 weeks? i dont know WHAT's going on!! crazy seeds.
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    Some reassurance please

    right, this maybe be my first grow but i think something might be wrong. i planted 21 bagseeds... iv had 21 'apparent' females so far, and they all started showing thier pre-flowers like 3 weeks into the grow. could that be the seed, my technique, or both? is that even possible?! should i...
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    repot or wait

    lookin goooooood =) i hope mine reach ur stage without dying on me haha.
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    repot or wait

    bagseed unfortunately... and it wasnt even that great a smoke either, but it's all i could find. but that's gona be down to the fact it was pollenated rather than the weed being shite. this is really an experiment before i shell out big bucks on seed.
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    repot or wait

    could stress make a plant show sex early?
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    repot or wait

    i can physically fit in bigger pots, but im thinking about space for the foliage, the plants already look pretty cramped together. iv just topped them too, so i expect them to get a fair bit fatter. i do intend on using square pots next though.
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    repot or wait

    can anyone just give me a second opinion... i apologise for the clarity (camera phone) but they look like pistils to moi. this is what im going off. this is purely from vegging for 4 weeks.
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    repot or wait

    oooh cheers, that's a helpful rule. i was wondering about those ratios.
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    repot or wait

    i dont know the capacity of these pots, they're 5" though... They ARE small, i fully expected to have to repot, but i thought that i'd have had just a little bit more time... actually, before i started, i did think it would have taken a bit longer to show the preflowers myself aswell, but some...
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    repot or wait

    can anyone give me a bit of advice please? im at my wits end haha. im growing 20 plants from bagseed, im expecting some to die and some to be weak and about 1/2 to be male. theyv been vegging for about 4 weeks now. im pretty sure my plants need repotting iv decided, but iv got so many plants...
  13. B

    my babies x20!!

    might there just be not enough space?
  14. B

    my babies x20!!

    yeah i thought about that being the problem, but really i cant do anything about it, the light gets HOT and i cant do any modifications to the room for like ventilation, all i can do is put an oscillating fan on the plants and open the door, but that's not a problem for me, i like the smell :)...
  15. B

    my babies x20!!

    can anyone tell me what might be wrong with my babies? 400w cooled hips. 0.25l of water every 2 days. 75-82 degrees F (day) 65 degrees F (night) humidity 30-40% the room is well ventilated. i just fed them (20-20-20)... might that be the problem? they'v been potted for 3 weeks now tho, i...