bugs! 7 weeks into flower!!


Active Member
hey, i was wondering if anyone can give me a few ideas.

there's a few plants somewhere ;) , from bag-seed, growing in soil, hps, biobizz bloom and topmax nutes every other watering, 75 degrees c in the day, 65 degrees c at night, 40-70% humidity with plenty of ventilation. my pH meter is knackered at the moment so i cant check the acidity unfortunately.

things wer going fine until about 10 days ago, i noticed that the lower leaves wer lightening in colour and going yellow so i left if for a day to see how it progressed. when i came back the bottom leaves had dried up and fallen off. i checked the forums, tried a few things out. i thought maybe it was magnesium, or nitrogen deficiencies. Most probably nitrogen due to the bloom nutes i was using. so i tried a boost of N to see what happened and nothing really changed at all so i put it down to the pH and me not being able to monitor what was going on... the yellowing has steadily worked its way up the plant since! :(

recently i noticed a strange smell in the run-off, kinda like a fart. On closer inspection there are hundreds and hundreds of microscopic bugs in the water, half the size of a pinhead, and grey. I'd take some pictures but my camera really doesnt have a good enough resolution.

This morning iv now also noticed a couple of really thin worms aswell on the run-off catch tray. About an inch long, and almost transparent but milky white, about the thickness of a human hair.

The bugs only exist in the soil, iv not seen any on the plant itself yet, im 7 weeks into flowering tho and if i lost all my shit now i'd cry i swear...

any ideas are MUCH appreciated. :)

im close to my crop, i dont know wether to get some pesticides then wait another weerk to flush, or just crop now before it gets too bad.



Well-Known Member
IF i were you ...

i wud try to mix some peroxide in the water and water ur plannts to see if the peroxide kills the bugs and worms... i kno it wont hurt ur plant b/c i but peroxide in all my bubbleponic systems and in my soil as well... thats wut i wud say..

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I think you are so close on this that you need to ride it out. You need to wash and sterilize everything b4 your next grow.


Active Member
yeahh that's what i was thinking really. im already on the 1 week of no nutrients phase so they're getting cut within the week anyway i imagine... it's just worrying. at least it happened now instead of a month or 2 ago :)

thanks for your help guys!


Active Member
those bugs are called soil mealy bugs. and they are a fucking bitch. they live in your soil and eat your roots. they dont leave any leaf damage so it takes a while to realize the problem. it looks like nutrient deficiencies so you start treating the wrong problem. leaving them to get worse.
they are impossible to get rid of. lucky you only got them at teh end


Well-Known Member
ok look since ur leafs were fallin at the dn of floering its actually a good thing lets u know that ur plant is focusing more on budding than anything and taking up all the nutrients from ur leafs to add to the buds and i dont know bout the bugs cant help ya there buddy