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  1. shmrck420

    Okay -- exactly how does aluminum foil create "hot spots" anyway?

    Im not downing anyones opinions in this thread.....but i have a very small grow space about 2ft wide 2ft diam, and four foot high, with aluminum foil and t5 HO cfl's. My plants are healthy and not once been burned, in flowering now and doing great!
  2. shmrck420

    male or female?

    I do have two...One did preflower but the other one didnt. I figured since you can control the photoperiod the one that didnt preflower would start to flower. but its not yet and its been a week
  3. shmrck420

    male or female?

    hahahahah,,no....they are sleeping for 12, but by the time i get up and going, get the pics, put them on the pc and post, it will be about 16 hrs.
  4. shmrck420

    male or female?

    they are sleeping right now, i will get back with some in about 16 hrs...
  5. shmrck420

    buying seeds online

    If these are all bogus, where could i get a good strain from????
  6. shmrck420

    buying seeds online

    Gayweed????? hahahahahah this is a strain of feminized white.... looks awsome! and chocolate rain...I will look into that
  7. shmrck420

    male or female?

    Ok, im a nub still, and i just put my plants into flowering about a week ago. One has hair, so i know thats a female. now the other one looks just like the female but isnt producing the hairs. I was wondering if the plant is just taking longer, or if its a male. I know that males produce sacs...
  8. shmrck420

    buying seeds online

    thanks for the feedback guys.....I think i will go with attitude! a cover up is always nice :twisted:. and they are located in the UK, and as for what mr. ganja said, there souvenirs! ahahaha that means im gunna grow a strain of snow white! I will be on the threads to let ya know how my current...
  9. shmrck420

    buying seeds online

    I am currently on my first grow, and has been pretty successful so far. Ive researched and taught myself so far and seem to have a pretty decent handle on it. I was just curious, I want to grow some really good stuff on my second grow, but am kinda sceptical about buying seeds online. Is it a...
  10. shmrck420

    oddball question!!!!!

    I have three of them. The first pic is a lady for sure! the other two im kinda skeptical about. and thanks for the support!
  11. shmrck420

    oddball question!!!!!

    thank you thank you.......Im thinking one is female now that i look, not sure, can i get opinions?
  12. shmrck420

    oddball question!!!!!

    ok, i got about a foot and a half left to grow accordingly....... and these are the pics
  13. shmrck420

    oddball question!!!!!

    two of them have the V hairs comming out. The other one seems like it does to, but then it also looks like little leaf shaped balls? I think its a male, but still unsure.
  14. shmrck420

    oddball question!!!!!

    I can get some for ya, what do you need to see?
  15. shmrck420

    oddball question!!!!!

    oh wow!, i knew they grew more...but i didnt know they will double in size. and thats about all i have is about 16" till i max out of room, with my light and fans in there too of course. So, now the question is.........should i start the 12 in 12
  16. shmrck420

    oddball question!!!!!

    you said it depends on space? that i dont have much of, is that a reason why they are wanting to flower?
  17. shmrck420

    oddball question!!!!!

    im still very can you explain what calyxes are?
  18. shmrck420

    oddball question!!!!!

    my plants are in about the sixth week of vegitation. they are about a foot tall and still growing, but i noticed today that they are growing hairs at the nodes like its wanting to flower. is that normal? should i move them into flowering? any suggestions are awesome!
  19. shmrck420

    purple stems

    yes, it is actually. I knew that it was cheap and probably innacurate. But it at least gets me somewhat in the ball park for now till i get enough money too buy a better one. I did add some perlite when i repotted. sorry about pix...still cant upload.... and also what info do ya need? just ask...
  20. shmrck420

    purple stems

    I had four plants, one is now dead :-(. Now, all of them have purple stems and shade leafs are turning brown and crispy from the older to new leafs. the one that died had this very bad. So, i recieved my ph and moister meter and all of the plants' ph was 7.2-7.8. with that being said i repotted...