male or female?


Ok, im a nub still, and i just put my plants into flowering about a week ago. One has hair, so i know thats a female. now the other one looks just like the female but isnt producing the hairs. I was wondering if the plant is just taking longer, or if its a male. I know that males produce sacs and females produce hairs, but the one im not sure about isnt really doing nothing but growing. the way i saw it, you can put the plant into flowering whenever and can control the process. Not sure what to think, suggestions are very welcome please, thanks


I thought u had 2 wait for pre-flowers before flippin 2 12/12?
I do have two...One did preflower but the other one didnt. I figured since you can control the photoperiod the one that didnt preflower would start to flower. but its not yet and its been a week