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  1. D

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    im thinking of going with the pro grow 260w, anyone have much exp with these?
  2. D

    Pro-Grow 260w LED, 6-Site Hydro Grow

    yes indeed looing forward to next update and see see where these babies are going.
  3. D

    Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.

    glad to see your new post, they are looking great! nice pics.
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    Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.

    yeah its been awhile im looking forward to see how they are coming too.
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    Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.

    they are looking nice, see it possible to get a few pics with another light turned on to see some of hte leaves color? will be really nice to start seeing all the frost lol.
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    Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.

    they are looking very nice
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    Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.

    thanks for the post swift, im reading all the new stuff and i got you message, sounds good. ill be checking alot of it out today :)
  8. D

    Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.

    yeah if any of you have or know links i can used to see some prices and info for the spectras i would be very thankful :)
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    Welcome New Members!

    i love newbie forums,lol.
  10. D

    LED Grow

    nice pics, are those cfls in the attached?
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    Things to Know About Lighting

    good stuff
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    Moving My Grow

    lol what ever you do , do it at night lol
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    Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.

    kk i will ost more, but yeah im definatily looking to get some. what generation are they? and what are some things to look for with them?
  14. D

    Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.

    yeah do you have a loink that will help me to order some of these spectras? i think im sold on the idea of using these on my next grow. please post link brother lol.
  15. D

    Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.

    Im still trying all i follow this thread and others, to figure out exactly which LEDs to go with,lol. i swear you hear good things an bad things about many of them, its so hard to just pcik one for me. i can wait to see teh final results of this grow it may help. am really interested how long it...
  16. D

    Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.

    keep on posting just like this for the whole grow, lol. im loving all the HD pics and comments lol.
  17. D

    Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.

    I have been viewing this Thread and i am about to start using LED lighting in my grow, have been using like 40 24w cfl and a 150w Hps up to this point. looking forward to the new age and spending my money wisely,been saven up for for the right lighting system. im enjoying your progress and will...