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  1. weavel

    First Time Growing Help plz

    Cheap cheap pot go to a hardware store. And vent? I'm pretty sure your tent has the vent if you need a fan? There are lots of good cheap options a computer fan from bestbuy works well if you understand how to move to 12v if that's not want you want then a 6in or 4in inline fan is probably what...
  2. weavel


    perhaps you should also lookin to adding CO2 in to your room. Dry ice or dispenser is a easy way to do this 3 time a day for 15 min.
  3. weavel

    Plant problem can anyone help? PLEASE :)

    It's affordable and wise to not use tap water. The goal is to create the perfect situation for you plants. This is accomplished by being in control of as much as you can. Tap water in some areas is bad. Really bad. Test the ppm of the tap it may surprise you. Also if you look at you wTer bill...
  4. weavel

    Plant problem can anyone help? PLEASE :)

    advice 1. if yo dont spray your fan leaves with clean water every know and then you should start that. a light spray to help humidity. 2. This coloring might be from excess nutes for your ladies. After getting new nutes in test there ppm after a couple waterings if the reading says the nutes...
  5. weavel

    Plant problem can anyone help? PLEASE :)

    Hey man looks good. Gotta love the process its what makes this an art. Your def needing some mag. N perhaps but I would first get your mag correct. Also whats your water temps at. Lower than 65F will help prevent fungus and some bugs. I would never let any bug live in my system. If it is a bugs...
  6. weavel

    First Time Grow Update and Pictures!! Please comment.

    So it really is smart to go 36 hours no light. I guess i need to get on that. Any advise on Nutes how much and so on. Also how long does the flowering take? roughly and how will I know when its time to cut'em down?
  7. weavel

    First Time Grow Update and Pictures!! Please comment.

    thanks for the advise
  8. weavel

    First Time Grow Update and Pictures!! Please comment.

    So this grow has been going now for like 40 days here is what im using air temp 82 water temp 70 ppm 1250 400w MH bucker drip system Just wanting to get some opinions on when i should start to flower im afraid i may run out of space soon. what do you think any other comments please leave...
  9. weavel

    what do i do

    How old is your plant? What type of medium what kind of lighting?
  10. weavel

    Temp control Help

    Air cooled hood mightbe the way to go. Or at least make sure you hood is angeled correctly with your suction. The goal is to get heat out fast. Also may want to check the angel of your hood.
  11. weavel

    Back with more pics and a update on first grow. Comment please

    Yea I have a couple fans going and now I'm installing a in line 6" fan to pull heat off the fan faster. Think this will be enough?
  12. weavel

    Back with more pics and a update on first grow. Comment please

    So we are on day 24 PH: 6.0 PPM: 800 Air temp: 90 trying to figure out a way to lower Water temp: 72 400w MH DSC I am really needing to pull more heat of the bulb I guess. I am also curious about the spots on one plant. I looked in to it and found a great forum talking about all the neut...
  13. weavel

    New grower giving an update and looking for some help. Please comment.

    Hey things are doing well. I think im going to get rid of the small one cause I do not want to have to operate down to its level as every other plant is a lot further along. I am still curious to see if im on par or if my grow or if my plants are small.
  14. weavel

    New grower giving an update and looking for some help. Please comment.

    Really appreciate all the suggestions and comments. Hoping to hae a good grow here :)
  15. weavel

    New grower giving an update and looking for some help. Please comment.

    Thanks for stopping in and commenting. Yea i just want to get as much advice as im working through the kinks.
  16. weavel

    New grower giving an update and looking for some help. Please comment.

    I am also not sure how often and how much water my girls need
  17. weavel

    New grower giving an update and looking for some help. Please comment.

    .. So this is day 20 and things appear to be going well. Feminzed Black Domina and Feminized Big Bud PPM: 782 PH: 6.0 Air Temp: 82 Water Temp: 70 Two Air flow fans 400w CFL (about to start using a 400w mh) So things are going along and I am just hoping to get some wisdom from the...
  18. weavel

    Diagnosis help please. Very small and turning yellow.

    Sorry man. Thank for the humor though nice to laugh at ones self from time to time. Thanks for coming thru in th first place. I updated and edited my threat.
  19. weavel

    Diagnosis help please. Very small and turning yellow.

    Sorry guys I as trrying to post on my phone bad idea :) so now to be a lot easier. I germinated this little plant at the same times as all the others (19 days ago) she sprouted like all the others and then just stopped growing. Now she is growing new very small leaves but they are folding and...
  20. weavel

    Newb just hoping everything is all good. PLease comment. First Grow.

    I did some research and heard that 4 hours is really all the plant need for veg and that it makes the drastic move to 12/12 more alraming and more influencial. i will go ahead and drop my Ph some to see if that will resolve the issue.