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  1. ian83

    Hanna Meter not calibrating properly?

    It seems that the calibration solutions I have purchased for my Hanna meter are not doing the trick. Someone wrong with what I am doing perhaps? I rinse the probes off in tap water (I have a grounding, pH and ppm probe) and then proceed to the 1382 ppm test solution. Calibrates fine, a quick...
  2. ian83

    Stealth pc grow box help

    yeah, all the way. never use any other tape other than electrical tape when you are dealing with electricity. the duct tape may be within reach, but it will melt and possibly fry out later. also, leave enough cord that you can remove either the lights or the plants themselves when you are...
  3. ian83

    Beercan CFL reflectors! Cheap, easy and effective! Photo how-to guide

    man, that was a brilliant tutorial. +rep for ya. i'm going to go build 4 of these right now.
  4. ian83

    The Best All Around Guide I've Seen. Covers Everything Nubes!

    that was an amazing read. i actually read the whole thing, it was so friggin' intriguing. i'm going to just print this out and keep it in my grow journal. thanks man!
  5. ian83

    Custom Closets Guide to Building a Custom Stealth Grow Closet Pics!

    have you figured out the smell problem yet? i know it was been a few months since the thread started. i've seen lots of duct tape utilized on the inside of cabinets to combat this issue. also, that poster above was correct in saying that you want to pull the air through the filter, as opposed...
  6. ian83

    Stealth pc grow box help

    well, your power supply should have a whole mess of wires coming out of it. these are the power cords for your drives, CD players, fans, etc. there will be many of these ends, with the white plastic pieces on them. there should be a yellow, red, black and white wire on each set, and there...
  7. ian83

    stealth cabinet help

    odds are, you are going to have to cut at least two holes in the cabinet. one for an exhaust, and one for an intake. without knowing how many plants you intend to put into the cabinet, it's tough to say what size, number of holes, fans, etc.
  8. ian83

    Stealth Grow Mommy

    do you think ground up cat would make a good fertilizer? if anything, i would skin it on general principle. =)
  9. ian83

    new set up

    are you going to be changing the nutrients? or sticking with the same regimen? i guess that will all get answered soon =)
  10. ian83

    My new PC grow.

    any more info on this one? or did the thread move on to somewhere else?
  11. ian83

    Carbon filter question

    yeah, the filter won;'t be running at full effectiveness unless it is directly between the room and the exhaust. the idea of going straight up with the exhaust is the best i've heard so far. i had a friend that had a closet grow in an apartment once. he cut a hole in the top of the door for the...
  12. ian83

    DIY filter help

    Radio Shack sells 12v PC fans that are cheap and exactly what you need. they are about 4" square usually, perfect for attaching to carbon tubes. if you are going to be growing that many plants though, will a small filter like that handle the smell? might want to get something a little larger. i...
  13. ian83

    new set up

    yeah, i have seen the browning happen with too many nutrients in the soil. back off on the nutrients a little, and maybe even flush them? i have noticed that if the leaves are brittle, they like to be sprayed with some water every now and then. hope that helps a little. let us know how it turns...
  14. ian83

    desk side draw grow help? pictures

    have you done any more work on this lately? if you are concerned about stealth, you should totally board up the back wall there. plywood is cheap as hell. you can grab some 12v PC fans to handle the exhaust and intake. instead of placing one fan at the exhaust and one at the intake, place...
  15. ian83

    Stealth Grow Mommy

    that's a shame, i've heard of too many cats destroying crops. well, better luck next time!