My new PC grow.


Active Member
Well thanks to all who helped on here, couldn't have done this without ya guys...thanks!!!

I used the 2 fans from the computer, 2 2700k and 1 4100k lights, 3 light adapters and of course a powerstrip and 12V adapter.
Next on the list is to make my carbon filter and of course my lowryder seeds when they get here, lol.

Whatcha guys think of my handy work? :blsmoke:



Active Member
How much can you grow in there? It just doesn't seem like the plants could yield well.


That has to be the coolest grow area ive seen yet!!
you just gotta watch temps but i guess if you have fans it shouldnt be too bad


Well-Known Member
If it gets too hot you can think about water cooling!! LOL

but really I want to see some pics of it in action, getting all dirty and shit.LMAO!!


Well-Known Member
im assuming this is just to start them cause in the other thread you mentioned a 400watt.. i i know thats not gonna fit in there.. LMAO!


Active Member
Naw, just been busy. Haven't used it yet but should hold 1 or 2 small autos. The temp stays at about 74-76 degrees with the fans running. The humidity is between 41 and 47%. P.S. This box works great for veging your small clone starts.....So I hear, hehe.