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  1. djlucidd

    Need air pump advice

    I use a unit from The science behind It is amazing. Same way there separating hydrogen from oxygen with electrolysis for hydrogen cars with water. Been using it two grows so far so good no noise at all no heat only downside is there price. Setting up to do a side by side with a...
  2. djlucidd


    Umm in going to say you should pass reg air stones are more then enough man trust me . Look you could go my route with a unit from but there spendy as he'll they work great no noise from a airpump . But again I still stand by a properly sized or larger air pump with stones is all you...
  3. djlucidd

    Ph goes up quickly

    Yeah open trays like that bad. .... light water and nutes are a bad combo. Algee and bacteria grow fucking with the ph
  4. djlucidd

    cal mag to final flush?

    Flush* meaning nothing but water.... trying to wash away and have the plant eat the last of its nutes so I will start pulling from the leaves.. better taste. I have also grown all the way out and cropped with no flush. Had to cure for over a month but it was dank
  5. djlucidd

    Anybody teach an old dog new tricks?

    I grow a scrog style use fishing line yoyo's. Using silica has helped alot with the strength
  6. djlucidd

    Air pump heating res up

    I use hiesnberg tea and turned off my chiller a few years ago. Res temps in the high 70s plants look wonderful
  7. djlucidd

    Air pump heating res up

    Black out the tubing with tape or buy black hose.. light leaks are a nightmare
  8. djlucidd

    Air pump heating res up

    Airpump 's create heat via the friction/compression process. That is completely normal. Now how much is heats up the rez might not be anything at all honestly. Water pumps add more heat then a airpump. What size chiller did you go with ?
  9. djlucidd

    Is this a male?

    They look very young still hard to tell... keep a eye on them everyday after you start 12\12 if they look like little balls then yes but otherwise should be fine
  10. djlucidd

    Water Temp 80 will I have problems

    I run hiesnberg tea with out a chiller on a rdwc system water temps have gotten In the higher 70s never a single issue. Bennies starve out root rot . Make sure you have enough air pumping.
  11. djlucidd

    hydro systems

    These are just some random grow pics I have had over the last year I had on my phone last pic the plants go so big they filled my damn tent to the top and bent over ..... sad grow should have flipped earlyer but the clones I got from my local shop here in wa miss labeled them instead of mostly...
  12. djlucidd

    hydro systems

    Had the same issues as you man. So I built a rdwc system for about 90 bucks total for everything and started making hisenberg tea never had another issue sense. Now I have to systems going no chiller just got amount of bubbles and bennies tea
  13. djlucidd

    How much water in a dwc?

    I like to have my water 1 inch from the bottom of the net pot. Anything extra is wasted space IMO Those pics were about 2 weeks apart works for me
  14. djlucidd

    Re-use hydro nutes from ebb reservoir in hempy buckets?

    Well ll ll I would say yes and no... depends on what the NPK ratios are after the flood table. I pump all of my dwc rez water outside and use it on my lawn and rose bushes. .. but then again fuck it go crazy and give it a shot lol. Worst thing to happen is one of your babies dies .
  15. djlucidd

    Super Silver DWC by Melbs92

    I run dwc use hisenberg tea to keep root rot or slime from being a issue. Plus the bennies will help act as a buffer for your plants in dwc . Check out my build threads also if you haven't heard about start listening to their podcasts are worth their weight in gold .
  16. djlucidd

    is this a good idea?

    If your going for dwc totes then why complicate things. Sprayers tend to clog and the added pump adds unneeded heat. Kiss man
  17. djlucidd

    question about hydro (first hydro grow)

    5oz is way way way to much man. For a tea in a 5gal bucket with 2-3 gal water.I'll throw about 1 to 2 tablespoons of recharge . A handful of wormcastings(ancient forest is what I use ) add 30 mil molasses and a few air stones 1 or 2 is all you need. For the worm castings put them in a tied up...
  18. djlucidd

    question about hydro (first hydro grow)

    Look at the bottle what your going for is bio diversity. The foam is co2 being put off by the microbes eating and starting to colonize. So yes foam is a good thing..
  19. djlucidd

    Help Using Advanced Nutrient Calculator Hydro

    I use advanced . I use half of the recommend dosage. When I used full strength I had issues with salt build up after about week 5 in flower dropped to half strength use big bud.bud candy and hiesnberg tea/ Altho I started using this stuff called recharge from this company out of Colorado ...
  20. djlucidd

    how much nutes do I need

    Do the math silly..... Use the formula (A+b) X number of weeks of flower you plan there ya go. As for ph up down just buy the small bottle. I have had the same liter of each for almost 2 years