is this a good idea?

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
Ok some Im building some dwc totes, would if be beneficial to add a couple mister in there? Frim what I understand aero ppms run alot higher then dwc, so my question is is it even worth throwing in there? If I did could I run the totes at a lower rez level? Or should I just stick with the original design?


Well-Known Member
Sprayers would make your dwc tote an aero tote?

Honestly, aero creates roots most effectively. Best method for me to date. But best with smaller plants (hence smaller root masses).

Depends on setup.

Dwc is harder method in my book. But if you do go for it, use chiller and remember to change rez every Sunday after church!

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
Wow buddy, I actually have dicided to go with full aero, after doing more research aero really seems more simple to me, is there any chance you can give me a lil gidence and direction ?

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
I have these 4 foot long xmass tree totes I think would work great for aero, I have a 10 by 3 foot space to work with, so I was planning on using 2 to spred across the room under 2 600whps lights with another underneath to serve as a 45 gallon res im not sure how many plants to run though? Im planning on using general hydroponic nutes.

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
Make sure you completely black out your totes any light leaks will promote algae and drastically drop your ph walmart and home depot both have black totes with yellow lids that are super heavy duty just have to black out the top they have raised squares on the lid that are perfect to cut holes in and drop net pots in or what ever device you plan to suspend your plants with good luck


Well-Known Member
I have many questions...

Is this 10x3 space a false wall lol..?
(Just curious)

What's your climate like? State?

Is there window access?

There's also many things I'll suggest from start. Almost always use 1000 watt bulbs, more importantly, I suggest using GH maxi powder, its $15 bag (I buy 3 gallon buckets for $85) its pH balanced and is all in one formula.

Do you care for plant counts?

Do you have direct drainage?

Can space be 10x4? Or even 8x4?

Do you have any equipment yet?


Well-Known Member
Also, I have three rules I grow by... Practice them!

1- leave your paranoia at the door
2- be serious about your garden
3- Dont tell a fucking soul

But anyways, depending on your answers, we can figure out how to setup room, I guess I'll break it into two parts, constructing overall room with parameters and then tote construction.

Personally I'm a sealed room, open wing, ac, co2 kinda guy... Just went back to flood tables with some sweet afghan kush that smells like fruit loops, no joke!

anyways, I can send you pics of my 75 site aero cloner. I'll explain how to make manifold and sprayers, blah blah, just shoot me a private message.

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
Ok its a 3x10x8 closet with a dore one bothe sides. no window axcess but the room im pooling cool air out of stays in the 60s, and my climate is hot !!! Like Texas hot. Haha and what do you mean by 1000w bulbs, lites or bulbs? Because I already have 2 600w lights now but I plan on upgrading as I go. I also will be running cool tubeds. And wow, ive never hurd of maxi powder, I was planning on getting a gollon of each of the gh flora nutes and the powdered gh ph up and down and maby running the lucas formula? But a all in 1 sounds badass ! Also if I can fit 8 plants on 1 tote to equal 16 in the room I would love to, but like I said im starting from seed so I dont know how many to expect to fit, I dont really wanna vegg more the a month


Well-Known Member
OK, I can picture that... Kinda...

The GH powder is awesome! Called maxi series, use tap water, no calmag needed, now there's maxi grow, maxibloom and kool bloom. Personally, I just use maxibloom whole way thru, its close to Lucas form. Its like 5-15-14 or something. Its great!

What strain?

Most allow maxi bloom whole way unless she's really a nitrogen whore lol...

This your first grow?

Guessing not.

I'm thinking (3) 600 would best for space given dimensions and temp control.

Do you know how to construct totes?

What size are totes? 2 or 3?

1.75" hole drill, 2" neoprene collars, for lids. Inside you'll have water pump, PVC and jet sprayers.

Go on eBay and buy (100-200) jet nozzle sprayers 360°. I get 100 for $10.

And then 3 water pumps, I use 410 gph.

And neoprene collars.

I would suggest single cola sog style.
Because once the root masses get too big you could have problems. So smaller plants would be better.

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
Awsome man, and yes 3 light would be better, the totes im wonting to use are 53" long 22 inches wide and 14 deep. I understand how to make the misting manifolds and seal the totes from light and all that good stuff. Im thinking ill be running around 50 misters between the 2 totes so I was gonna pick us a 1000gph pump teed off set on 1 min off and 4 off.

This is gonna be my second grow, so im supper nervous lol im doing a small run rightnow just bc we wonted to try out several strains, so im eather gonna be running blue dream, purple trainwreck or critical 47, depending on how the smoke is. But ya I cant get cutting in my state and I dont have a separate room for veg at the moment. Hell I dont even have a hydro shop close. But since I do have to start from seed thats gonna majorly effect my pant count, hiw big of plants do you think ill get if I veg for a month in this system?



Well-Known Member
Personally I wouldn't try to grow huge plants in aero, atleast not bushes, it can be done but once that root mass is so big, its hard to keep it all wet, hence, death and decay...

I strongly suggest doing 16-24 plants per light. No topping or train, flower from rooting.

Also, I find it easier to just run pump 24/7. They Dont draw much power at all. If you start and stop pump too much, that's when barrings freeze, just run it all the time IMO. Just 500 gph. There like 75 watts I think lol

If you go this way, i also suggest you Plant those seeds now so you can take clones, you want same plants whole way through for even canopy IMO.

If no time, that's OK, wing it for now.