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  1. moshi 519

    4 blade leaf mutation and yellow bottom fan leaf

    Word. I wasn't to worried just want to catch something before it's a problem. I was worried about the 4 leaves. Number one because I've never heard or seen of 4 blade asymmetric leaves.and because its not consistent its very random where they are coming from.the rest of the leaves are 3 5 7 . I...
  2. moshi 519

    4 blade leaf mutation and yellow bottom fan leaf

    Unfortunately no pics right now of the yellow. But its straight from a fresh popped seed. First round. 5 weeks in. I was really just seeing if im going to end up with flowering problems
  3. moshi 519

    4 blade leaf mutation and yellow bottom fan leaf

    I got a Tangie x Kosher kush cross that has been throwing 4 blade leafs randomly throughout the plant. Most of them seem to be on the first branches it grew but its a VERY strange mutation. Anyone have any thoughts? Plants are very healthy otherwise only the one Tangie i have did this. Also i...
  4. moshi 519

    "Cheese" and "Shining Silver Haze" 400w mh/hps grow

    Another question, should i shut off the 250watt MH light right now, and run the 4 cfl bulbs only? i feel like the babies are getting to much light, and high temps. Not really sure, i just know the cfl grows i did with one plant and 4 cfl the plant had almost hand size leaves at day 17 from seed.
  5. moshi 519

    "Cheese" and "Shining Silver Haze" 400w mh/hps grow

    Plants got there first feeding, dyno grow, 1/4 strength feeding. Seem to of greened up a bit more no harm done, so ill be feeding twice this week and up feeding next week. The brown spots on the leaves arent dry the leaves are still extremely moist, but brown and cringed? anyone got any ideas?
  6. moshi 519

    "Cheese" and "Shining Silver Haze" 400w mh/hps grow

    Alright guys so ran into a slight problem, not worried about it just more want to know the cause. Two of the plants have brown leaf tips/leaves and the one set is just about dead. There in coco, i have my 200W MH light at the very top of the tent and then 4 cfl lights real close to the little...
  7. moshi 519

    "Cheese" and "Shining Silver Haze" 400w mh/hps grow

    Appreciated dude! really excited myself. cant wait till they are grown up
  8. moshi 519

    "Cheese" and "Shining Silver Haze" 400w mh/hps grow

    5 Dinafem Cheese Seeds Flowering at 12 hours: 50 - 60. Outdoor harvests: Until 15 October. THC: Medium - High. (9% - 14%). CBD: Medium. Yield: Medium. Outdoor height: Up to 2.5 metres. Composition: Indica 60% - Sativa 40%. Genotype: Old School UK Skunk x Afghani. 3 Royal Queen Seeds...
  9. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    so were all harvested and cut down, All three plants are drying right now looking like a little over 3 ounces. Ill give you guys an official weight once done drying. I trimmed the one plant immediately and is drying in the cupboard drawer. Plant 2 was trimmed and hung in the closet and plant...
  10. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    Ya i wasnt over impressed with the 8ball kush from barneys this time around, 4 out of the 5 seeds popped and all 4 plants were different. Just wasnt a fan either
  11. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    Ya mine are taking forever! got the one ready to come off next tuesday i believe, been flushing it. That will make it 8 weeks flower, the other 2 are going to be 9 weeks before there done or even close
  12. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    Mine are about the same point, i think alot of people were going 8 weeks flower time. I no the one of mine will be 8 weeks the other two might push into 9 weeks. 8 Ball kush seems to be a long grow, but my buds are turning out great.
  13. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    Plants have been going steady in flower, i finally tossed plant number 4. So just the three plants now and there big and beautiful. Here are some bud shots for you guys. i think 2 more weeks and ill cut em down
  14. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    ya wordd, alright man thanks! next time ill go a size smaller or something, give me more space in the tent to!
  15. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    thanks for the advice man! much appreciated, i didnt get to flush last sunday and its the only week i havent flushed probably why the build up started. I was thinking bout smaller pots for next time but wasnt sure because the plants roots are at the bottom and coming out the top of the soil and...
  16. moshi 519

    Yellowing,Pale, Dieing leaves...Help

    i knew it happened in flower but not really before starting to flush before harvest i thought. i was thinking deficiency aswell just wasnt sure what kind. So should i feed them more tiger? or dyno-gro you think?
  17. moshi 519

    Yellowing,Pale, Dieing leaves...Help

    someone else told me nitrogen overload? anyone got a forsure answer? or my ph levels is right. i need myself a meter
  18. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    so you think its to much nitrogen? why so? the leaves are burning and turning yellow but only certain ones, the rest of the plant is loving it? Should i just be doing a real good flush and continue back on track? just build ups? but thanks man! happy to see them when there done
  19. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    ya i guess so, depends how muuch water there getting. and now the water all funnels to the middle and certain spots to because the coca has become almost hard on the top, and i cant do much about it without destroying a shitload of roots
  20. moshi 519

    Yellowing,Pale, Dieing leaves...Help

    ya no the water is good where i am proper levels from the tap. im not to worried just more wanted to fix it or no if it was hurting then