Yellowing,Pale, Dieing leaves...Help

moshi 519

So my plants are about 30 days into flower now, and there water leaves are going real yellow and crispy like. Also have some real purple branches. Anyone no what there lacking?? ive tried upping the phosphorus and the potassium by feeding them dyno-gro on there off day and then tiger bloom the other days. I have one plant that is real small and i no its root system isnt near where the other plants are, also the oldest set of leaves are dying one set at a time, but its still budding and growing up just not growing branches or leaves? its late now to get much from the plant but i wanna try to figure out what is wrong to fix it to learn any help is much appreciated!



Well-Known Member
The Ph has slowly drifted up locking out nutes. Next time moniter the feeds and waterings with a PH meter and adjusters. Also use at least 30% perlite next time.

moshi 519

you think so? every sunday they have got a heavy flush to get rid of all build ups and salts. I have been monitering feedings and waterings, but i dont have a ph moniter until next grow


Well-Known Member
Yes, if you flushed once a week with my water it would be 8.8, so yes you need a digital PH meter plus PH up and down. I use canna flores and a cheaper hydro veg nute every watering flushing after 5 feeds, and both buffer to 6.5 (strange i know but perfect) and i dont have one yellow leaf with 2 weeks to go.

moshi 519

Yes, if you flushed once a week with my water it would be 8.8, so yes you need a digital PH meter plus PH up and down. I use canna flores and a cheaper hydro veg nute every watering flushing after 5 feeds, and both buffer to 6.5 (strange i know but perfect) and i dont have one yellow leaf with 2 weeks to go.
ya but that ph levels in my water might be different then yours?? how do you figure out it would be 8.8?


Active Member
most likely because he has hard water.....

also over watering/underwatering can both manifest in leaf senesence (the plant cannibalizes the nutrients in the leaf---hence the more yellow color---and stops sending it sap, so it dies and falls off) more so especially if a cultivar ("strain") is prone to that kind of reaction. As long as you have healthy, prolific new growth, I wouldn't freak. But if you have hard water and you know it and don't want to cough it up for a pH meter, you best start coughing it up for RO water, either homemade or purchased.

moshi 519

most likely because he has hard water.....

also over watering/underwatering can both manifest in leaf senesence (the plant cannibalizes the nutrients in the leaf---hence the more yellow color---and stops sending it sap, so it dies and falls off) more so especially if a cultivar ("strain") is prone to that kind of reaction. As long as you have healthy, prolific new growth, I wouldn't freak. But if you have hard water and you know it and don't want to cough it up for a pH meter, you best start coughing it up for RO water, either homemade or purchased.
ya no the water is good where i am proper levels from the tap. im not to worried just more wanted to fix it or no if it was hurting then

moshi 519

someone else told me nitrogen overload? anyone got a forsure answer? or my ph levels is right. i need myself a meter


Active Member
It just looks like a nitrogen deficiency to me. It's normal for this to happen late in flower, and by upping the phosphorus/potassium you are lowering the nitrogen...

moshi 519

It just looks like a nitrogen deficiency to me. It's normal for this to happen late in flower, and by upping the phosphorus/potassium you are lowering the nitrogen...
i knew it happened in flower but not really before starting to flush before harvest i thought. i was thinking deficiency aswell just wasnt sure what kind. So should i feed them more tiger? or dyno-gro you think?