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  1. R

    New to the Forum and have some Dispensary Questions

    Hmm....this I don't know sorry I've never lived outside Cali until recently and the laws differ from state to state
  2. R

    New to the Forum and have some Dispensary Questions

    Not sure about NV, but in Cali it would go: 1. You need some form of ID (drivers license or state ID card) to show you are who your medical card says you are 2. You should have no problem doing this. Go to the dispensaries near you and make friends, explain what it is you want to do and see if...
  3. R

    Rasta Woman from Roatan

    Thanks Costa!
  4. R

    Rasta Woman from Roatan

    I now have two sprouts about two inches tall. How long should I keep them in the plastic covers?
  5. R

    Rasta Woman from Roatan

    Another sprout today!! So how long do I keep them under glass so to speak?
  6. R

    Rasta Woman from Roatan

    The weed we get here is Jamaican, from Jamaica, and it comes pressed. I think the seeds get cracked in the pressing. I tried a few ways (with cover and without) but so far only one seed has sprouted
  7. R

    Hello from the Midwest!

    White Widow also has some sativa in it and is a notorious fast grower. Be prepared to raise your lights a lot
  8. R

    Rasta Woman from Roatan

    I'm from Roatan originally so it's good to be back home :D I see the zoo and the iguana farm....I have a pic of a friend of mine feeding the iguanas (which we eat lol). It looks like a scene from a horror movie let me find it :p Here it is lol:
  9. R

    Rasta Woman from Roatan

    Dude looks great! I'm jealous as hell! :D
  10. R

    Hi, Noob Here

    Cards are very easy to get. Ask around (or look online) they have doctors just for that. Insomnia, stress, almost anything will get you one. Any past surgeries also I'm no pro but to me it looks like your light is too far away from your plants. Put your hand on top of the plants and bring it...
  11. R

    Hello from Costa Rica

    I'll try this too thanks brother!
  12. R

    Rasta Woman from Roatan

    OK I'll give that a try gracias amigo!
  13. R

    Hello from Costa Rica

    Hey Costa we're in Roatan, Honduras so we're practically neighbors :D We're relatively new here (from Cali, always grew indoor) and are going to try many different grow techniques, among them yours. Do you have bug problems growing outdoors, and how do you deal with it?
  14. R

    Rasta Woman from Roatan

    OK thank you.....I really don't know what else to try. Luckily I have plenty of seeds since these fools don't bother to separate male and female lol Oh and Merry Christmas everybody :D
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    Rasta Woman from Roatan

    Thanks for answering guys..... We don't really have much of a choice on the island. This is just regular potting soil. I didn't add anything to it. Yes, the seeds cracked in paper towels so we had the sprouts but when we plant them in the potting soil they die within a day or three. Potting...
  16. R

    Rasta Woman from Roatan

    OK well....we used to live in Cali and always got clones. Now we're growing from seeds and have been having issues. Mainly we can get them to crack, but when we put the sprouts into regular potting soil they die within a day or two. We keep the sprouts under a clear plastic lid that seals in the...
  17. R

    Rasta Woman from Roatan

    Hello everybody! :) This board was recommended to me by a friend from another board. I live on Roatan island in Honduras, Central America Just sayin hi....I have some problems getting seeds to grow. Not sure if this be the right place to ask about it though
  18. R

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello and Merry Christmas one and all :) Brand new here, I have some questions that might be fairly unique, maybe not. I live on an island in Central America. I know I can grow here but I'm having issues getting seeds started. I lived in California for 25 years and we always used clones...