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  1. G

    Legalise cannabis in the UK sign - e-petitions

    just sign the fucking thing so we can grow more weed
  2. G

    First Hit on anything (first time experiences) [DISCUSS:]

  3. G

    First Hit on anything (first time experiences) [DISCUSS:]

    hehe this thread is awesome LOL i dont know what to say so i decided to say this :) :P
  4. G

    Getting caught with weed :(.

    haha lol nice one xD - my friend got caught by our principal or head teacher, what ever u wanna call it, and she just threw away the spliff, went into school high LOL and we had an exam first thing ahaha
  5. G

    Im a fucking idiot + craziest lsd experience

    FUCK MY TERRIBLE INTERNET SPEEEDS !!4kbps?! fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  6. G

    First Hit on anything (first time experiences) [DISCUSS:]

    it wont even load for me cos my connection is at 4kbps LOL im on holiday aswell :(
  7. G

    First Hit on anything (first time experiences) [DISCUSS:]

    yehh, thts a good explenation to be honest. i agree 100% look at every drug, and look at its risks, im not a risk taker i will stay away from those drugs no matter what it takes. but then look at cannabis, magic musrooms and LSD they have little or no risks, the only risks that i always see is...
  8. G

    Im a fucking idiot + craziest lsd experience

    thanks for the reply, and its fine xD
  9. G

    First Hit on anything (first time experiences) [DISCUSS:]

    to be honest i just wanna chill with friends, just for fun, not like a daily thing- and i dont drink every weekend, i didnt make that clear in my first post sorry :P just if anything is up, have a beer or 2 with the lads :P and yer ur right, u gotta be safe with everything, like i dont trust...
  10. G

    First Hit on anything (first time experiences) [DISCUSS:]

    u guys gotta tell me how shit feels :P - i gotta get my hands on some LSD it sounds so awesome lol
  11. G

    First Hit on anything (first time experiences) [DISCUSS:]

    im not a lier so i will admit : ive never taken drugs (apart from alcohol and medicine for coughs n stuff) so i dont know how all the stuff you guys do feel :P so yeh, i wanna know, post ur FIRST experience (only first so we can see the first time effects so people (me) dont get shocked...
  12. G

    Hi :)

    yeh man, blood + drugs dont mix well :( shrooms lsd and weed dont contain any of that bad stuff, 100% good for u ;D
  13. G

    Im a fucking idiot + craziest lsd experience

    this aint me man LOL its taken from another forum i think i said, i not then yeh i just said LOL if this was me i would be shitting myself.. or something :S :P but yeh man always have it with a friend or someone to look after u if u fuck ur head up
  14. G

    Hi :)

    FOUND IT maaaaaaaaaaaaan awesomeness :D
  15. G

    Im a fucking idiot + craziest lsd experience

    so i found this thread on a site that was about some crazy LSD experience so i wanted to show my friends but i closed the site and i thought it was on roll it up so i signed up so i can see and show everyone, i spent 3 hours yesterday trying to find it, then today i spent 1 hour, and then...
  16. G

    Hi :)

    WOW fucking.... words of wisdom man :D thanks, how do i like ur post or something :P and that post i was talking about was on this forum, i gotta find it, it changed my life, i feel like i need LSD or shrooms LOL i wanna see that shit sounds awesome XD and yeh many say it opens ur mind and u see...
  17. G

    Hi :)

    heyy im George LOL i dont know what to say lol but i do want to ask 1 question i saw a thread about an LSD experience and the guy cut his throat but was 1cm away from his tracheya and hence survived, i cant find it ive spent 3 hours trying to find it :( ive used google, roleitup search box and...
  18. G

    What happens when you eat a lot of acid?

    haha thanks lol i didnt realize xD -