What happens when you eat a lot of acid?


Well-Known Member
Its something Ive never done before.. The highest Ive went is 5 tabs, which really in the big scale was not a very high dose. I see people eating like 10 strips at a time.. One of my friends ate 25 tabs when he was selling the stuff and he said he almost had a heart attack lol

What even happens? I can imagine its freakin intense, but the thing is lsd gives me the same lesson every time. The nothing is real so everything is real because nothing is real because everything exists because it doesnt exist thing.. Same epiphany that applies to absolutely everything and only really makes sense on lsd. Will eating a lot break me out of that thought process? I think Im gonna do it sometime soon just because Ive never felt the need to do it..

What happens to you guys?


Well-Known Member
Lol well whats up man! that last post was just what you said backwards because I didnt know what else to say.. Your joke was funny though Ill give you that :p


Well-Known Member
Ive haven't done more than 3 or 4 tabs but from the stories I hear, you lose ALL sight of reality. So instead of sitting or standing or staring there thinking holy shit this is fucked up, or holy shit this is fucking sick, or holy shit that snow looks like its glistening, you aren't really surprised by that shit it becomes normal. My friends cousin wanted some mint drops, and it wasn't minty the first squirt so he tried another squirt. Turns out he took a couple hundred dollars worth of acid. They found him 3 days later in the woods, in a makeshift hut trying to cast spells on his father. He is not the same person anymore.


Well-Known Member
I've never had the experience you describe of feeling like I keep getting to the same revalation, so I can't say if a bigger dose would break through it. I've done doses in the 1000-1500ug range a bunch of times and even more once (I'm unsure of how much it was, but after 30-45mins I was already tripping as hard as I ever had and I was still coming up). It gets more intense, but I don't know if it would change your revalation.


Well-Known Member
Ive haven't done more than 3 or 4 tabs but from the stories I hear, you lose ALL sight of reality. So instead of sitting or standing or staring there thinking holy shit this is fucked up, or holy shit this is fucking sick, or holy shit that snow looks like its glistening, you aren't really surprised by that shit it becomes normal. My friends cousin wanted some mint drops, and it wasn't minty the first squirt so he tried another squirt. Turns out he took a couple hundred dollars worth of acid. They found him 3 days later in the woods, in a makeshift hut trying to cast spells on his father. He is not the same person anymore.
why would you want to do more after reading this? it sounds like you dont really enjoy your trip with 5, I dont think you should do more ;)

by the way your avatar is fuck


Well-Known Member
Assuming the hits are in the 100 mic neighborhood, on 5 you can still get a grasp on reality, even if only for a few seconds. Somewhere around 1000 mics it can get pretty intense. I've got pretty well lost in my head for 3-4 hours. If my friends tried to get my attention its damn near impossible to register much of anything. For a while I preferred those type trips. Now I usually only eat 1-4 at a time because it seems that once you've slipped completely away a few times it gets much easier on smaller doses, you sort of learn to trip harder. Now I've never done huge doses but from what I read if you get up into the many 1000's of mics type trip it can last alot longer and get pretty freakin wild, you would definitely need a babysitter. When reading those reports the expression, know what eternity feels like often comes up, sounds pretty intense!


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine went nuts for about 3 years after takeing 14 caps over the coarse of a weekend...


Well-Known Member
I did a half a small Visine bottle of liquid along with four or five hits of Ecstacy(can't remember how much exactly) around six years ago. That was stupid and the come up was really, and I repeat - really fuckin fast! In just ten minutes time there were vines growing down the sides of buildings and large firework-like explosions were happening in the nighttime sky. Nirvana's Lithium song was playing on the radio and it was slowed down quite a bit but sounded like such a huge surge of instruments when the chorus picked up. It was like being strapped on the hood of space shuttle Endeavor while lifting off into space.
Later on during that night I was at my friends house in front of his DJ setup and *thought* I was listening to one of his records with the headphones and all of the equipment on. It was this weird House/Funk stuff going on for what seemed like hours and it was only about 45 minutes later that I had finally realized the turntable wasn't even on. The music was all in my damn head!!


Well-Known Member
See like people always explain these things and it sounds damn interesting.. Screw it Im gonna eat a whole ten strip and a tenth of molly friday and see what happens.. I havent had 'one of those' trips in awhile.. Ive eaten quite a bit of mushrooms before so I kind of am familiar with crazy intenseness, same with dxm that stuff can get pretty crazy.. I'll definitely have a babysitter lol if I didnt have ones the nights where I shroom out I couldve boarded up all the windows in fear of a zombie apocalypse or something


Well-Known Member
yeah, i have heard much worse things about much lower doses of shrooms. My close friend seized out multiple times the same night, and couldn't explain what happened but he went into some other world. Idk I wasn't there and like I said haven't dropped more than 3-4 tabs at a time and never really tripped off shrooms. Just heard a bunch of stories from close people. You seem like you can handle the 10 strip and I figure the molly can only help, so go for it. I have heard some good stuff about peyote/mescaline and want to try that but I havent fucked with LSD since I got burned on some fake shit....thats the worst trip of all
I had to pick imaginary pins from my girlfriends hands once in a park. I saw a duck kick a guy in a wheelchairs ass once. I sat and had a conversation at the UC Berkley McDonalds with Marilyn Monroe who was hanging from the wall. I had a sheet and half for $90 on telegraph st.


Well-Known Member
I had to pick imaginary pins from my girlfriends hands once in a park. I saw a duck kick a guy in a wheelchairs ass once. I sat and had a conversation at the UC Berkley McDonalds with Marilyn Monroe who was hanging from the wall. I had a sheet and half for $90 on telegraph st.
Sounds like you took some anti psychotic medication or something. LSD can get prettty weird but I don't believe that. When I was young and dumb me and some friend ate some Artane (unsure of spelling) and that was 3 days of realistic hallucinations, no buzz though, not even fun just acting plain nuts and not even knowing it til someone yelled at us if they were there at all. I even tried to tear apart a friends stereo after watching a few buddys crawl inside. I really pissed of a lot of people that week, another one of my friends wander off and into someones house where they called the cops and took him in for evaluation. LSD is way more fun for sure!