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  1. S

    cloudy trichomes

    Ststephen, been trying to work out when the best time for flushing, would it be when the trichomes are going from clear to cloudy, cause i was told the best time to crop was when they are going from cloudy to yellowish cloudy, So what stage in the trichomes do i start flushing, any advice is...
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    when its time to crop

    I am trying find this out as well so i know when to start flushing the plant, from what i am aware of(not sure still) it's when the tricones on the bud(looks like a tear drop almost when they are clear) are a yellowish cloudy looking. I have been told they go from clear to cloudy, then a yellow...
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    Yo man was reading through one of your posts and noticed you were talking about sulphur. I have...

    Yo man was reading through one of your posts and noticed you were talking about sulphur. I have had recent inccident in the past 24 hour. Where my plants have been exposed to Sulphur uselly used for pest controll. The top half of my 2 plants have been effected badly, and look in a bad shape...
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    Plant Health and Main Stem Problem

    Even still but i would agree with fred on the solution
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    Lambs Bread- 73 days in and I'm looking for help + opinions!

    Yo man this may sound like a silly question but, see in the last couple of weeks of flower do you switch you plants over to just water??
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    Flower power

    Yo man I would have put your plants into flower when they where about half the size they are in the pictures, also when you put your plants into flower this is the time to start watching for sex of the plant. Do you know the signs to look out for??
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    water ph

    From what i have been told,anything between 5.5 and 6.5 should be ok, And seems to work for me, Vinegar is a cool tip though will keep it in mind for emergency
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    Sulphur Exposed Plants

    Hey guy first time grow here was going well, with 2 plants 400 watt hydro setup. I had to fume agate my tent with sulphur and had moved my plants into my cupboard but the tent wasn't sealed properly and my plants have been affected HEAVILY by this. The info i am looking for is, What would be the...