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  1. T

    75 dollars too much for a clone??

    I think thats alot, up here we get clones for $2 rooted ......but panhead does have a point about the power and time and knowing its female....if it is that hard to get in your area then jump at it
  2. T

    New grower!!! help!!! need advice!!!

    i think you need some better lights.......they look very stretched out
  3. T

    I think i may have a hermie...a little help here..please

    Thanx guys....i didn't want to take a chance and gave it to a friend to take care of away from my other babies....thanx again
  4. T

    I think i may have a hermie...a little help here..please

    i have checked this plant twice a day for the last 2 weeks worrying about it (haha) anyway it was showing positive signs of femininity (2 little white wisps)...and then out of nowhere i see these little berries haging off on a different node....does anybody know if this is female or...
  5. T

    Take a look at the Pic... leave your ideas inside

    i still think it looks like the lights are burning them....a 1000 watt light is powerfull i only use 430 and when i burned my tips they looked the same...get a fan blowing over the tops when the lights are on if you don't already have know who you should ask.....Widowmaker...send...
  6. T

    how old

    i waited untill they had a couple good sized leaves.....when i didn't they all burned...(yellow tips)
  7. T

    Take a look at the Pic... leave your ideas inside

    it very well could be..i cant blow the picture up to see below the the info for the grow it didn't give a distance of light to plant so i just wanted to make sure it wasn't overlooked...................if your light is a good distance from the plants then just ignore my post but if...
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    Open Your Eyes!!!!

    dude that is so true... i never really thought of it like that....
  9. T

    Soil Cloning

    i would wait about 2 weeks....if the clone hasn't died then it has a good enough root structure to transplant
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    Take a look at the Pic... leave your ideas inside

    I am not the most experienced here but how far are your lights from the plants because i swear it looks like the tips are burned from heat and not so much from nute burn...
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    T5 Lamps and Flowering Problem!!! Help a patient!!

    i was going to say if its not a clone it probably is a male but i think someone already said that
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    The naked chick avatars

    hardcore is a little unwanted but avatars like widow maker i think are cool...keep them shaking widow maker
  13. T

    PH Question?

    yeah i agree just by making sure your ph is good with the water you are watering with with balance out the soil
  14. T

    Can you see what sex this is? pics

    bc big bud....or god unsure i sortof got the seeds mixed up.....
  15. T

    Can you see what sex this is? pics

    oh yeah these pics are the same plant on different nodes...
  16. T

    Can you see what sex this is? pics

    Hi everyone I am having problems sexing this one can anybody tell what it is by these pics or is it still to early....they are still in veg 18/6 but they are about 2 months old now...
  17. T

    Noob needs help sexing....PLEASE!!!

    sorry raeman i freaked...and didn't know what to do so i posted again........i had 3 with those little balls and they are dead again do you know if my whole crop is crap now? not all had the little balls......thanx in advance
  18. T

    Noob needs help sexing....PLEASE!!!

    is it still possible that my females have not been seeded?.....they are not in flowering stage they are still on 18/6....or is my whole crop screwed?.....i found 3 with these little balls and trashed them outside...i checked the others, 2 show as positive female....if they are screwed is it...
  19. T

    Newb needs HELP...pic..can u identify these?

    is it still possible that my females have not been seeded?.....they are not in flowering stage they are still on 18/6....or is my whole crop screwed?.....i found 3 with these little balls and trashed them outside...i checked the others, 2 show as positive female....if they are screwed is it...
  20. T

    Newb needs HELP...pic..can u identify these?

    thank you very much ....i suspected as much but needed someone else to confirm......Thanx again