Newb needs HELP...pic..can u identify these?

I need help does anybody know what these are? this a male plant? a first time grower and have read alot of pages about sexing and still im worried about pulling them out untill i get a positive that this is a male....HELP PLEASE
is it still possible that my females have not been seeded?.....they are not in flowering stage they are still on 18/6....or is my whole crop screwed?.....i found 3 with these little balls and trashed them outside...i checked the others, 2 show as positive female....if they are screwed is it possible to still get clones from the females or are they going to be crap aswell?


Well-Known Member
is it still possible that my females have not been seeded?.....they are not in flowering stage they are still on 18/6....or is my whole crop screwed?.....i found 3 with these little balls and trashed them outside...i checked the others, 2 show as positive female....if they are screwed is it possible to still get clones from the females or are they going to be crap aswell?
Hard to say man, with those nuts opened and exposing there bannas like that i would say there is a 50/50 chance they pollinated those females

only time will tell

Hope you get some females


Well-Known Member
ya dude you just gotta wait. hopefully your little girls will still have their v card