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  1. B

    First Indoor Grow Soil, Adivce

    to u ryan,..10-18"?, if i put my lights anywhere below 18" i would burn my plants, or at the least dry them out waaay to much at the top, i keep mine rght at 20" to 24",...i start them around 24",..then let them grow up to withing bout 20",..raise lights, it again....but im using very...
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    First Indoor Grow Soil, Adivce

    yes and no scrog,..if ur lighting is seperate banks of lights for each group independantly,..then there is no problem i can see,..for instance,...2 1k lights over the indicas,..and on other side of room,..2 1k lights over the sativas,..with distance seperating the 2 groups,..i see no issue...
  3. B

    Hello from Washington State

    i am also on the coast in westeren wash,..Vel.....just a heads up for ya.....
  4. B

    Hailing from the Great Pacific North West

    yeah,..all 3 strains r really excellent,..especially the purple diesel, is by far the favorite with alot of patients even tho, doesnt knock u down like the blue hawaiin or the new york....Finshaggy...if u read this ur private message box is full,..u cant recieve any more it says,..u...
  5. B

    Hailing from the Great Pacific North West

    ty,..and yeah,..i actually am probably in over my head,...but i will learn, thing i have noticed big time is that,..i need to quit trying to micromanage these ladies,...hit them with what they need,..let them tell ya when they need somin else,..and let them just be happy!
  6. B

    Hello from Washington State

    ya know its actually a very slow and easyway to medicate, cookies and other sundry items that r well made,...not all cookies r equal,
  7. B

    Hey all....New here....First Time Grower in Seattle,..

    ty very much OxyKitten,....
  8. B

    Hey all....New here....First Time Grower in Seattle,..

    ty for the welcome,..and yeah,..i obviously have alot to learn!, i last long enough to learn somin, sooo thankful for the "edit post button")
  9. B

    First Indoor Grow Soil, Adivce

    hey,..umm im interested in knowing also,..why u say dont mix indicas with sativas?, grower here,..and i have a indica strain,..a hybrid strain, and a pure sative strain all in the same grow room.
  10. B

    Hey all....New here....First Time Grower in Seattle,..

    thanks for the karma man, and the vibes, Zee, i can make good use of that every day! well,..looks like what ive learned so far is working,..specially my trimming,... they went into 1st week of 12/12. i have nothing but 4-8 really nice looking flower sites on each lady bursting up to the...
  11. B

    Hello from Washington State

    cookies r the shit!, had 2 little cookies today and i had to sit down 30 minutes later, pain,..just relaxed ,..but sitting, to ya Finshaggy. sativas r waaay different then indicas so far as im concerned, this purple diesel i just finished, was a feel like...
  12. B

    Hailing from the Great Pacific North West

    hello there,...just wanted to say hi, i am local too(north of seattle), and unlike you, i am a beginner at growing. i have obtained my documents, and have begun to learn how to provide mecicine for patieents and myself. however, this is all new to me, i am in my 2nd full cycle with my...
  13. B

    Hello from Washington State

    hey there,..srry to hear bout all the surgeries. i broke my back,..but would not let them operate. did therapy for a year,..and i just deal with back and leg pain alot...ahhh,..the horses! i so miss riding all day specially up in the mountains. nothin like a good stepper, with a good trail or...
  14. B

    Hey all....New here....First Time Grower in Seattle,..

    just want to say hey to everyone, just signed up here. have read alot of threads and gleaned mucho info to help out since i am just a newbie at growing. , and will be seeking advice on alot of things. i am set up pretty well,.) i would definately like to meet and get to know a few cool...