Hey all....New here....First Time Grower in Seattle,..

just want to say hey to everyone, just signed up here.
have read alot of threads and gleaned mucho info to help out since i am just a newbie at growing. , and will be seeking advice on alot of things.
i am set up pretty well,.) i would definately like to meet and get to know a few cool likeminded persons in my area if possible.
i , of course have a thousand questions, always more then answers,..lol..but will keep reading and trying to implement many growing techniques i have been reading about here.
if there r any local experienced growers that i could get to know a little, that would be very apreciated.
as i said, i am just learning, a crash course if you will, and my goal is to provide my patients with the very best medicine i can,..so any help will be apreciated,..peace!
thanks for the karma man, and the vibes, Zee, i can make good use of that every day!
well,..looks like what ive learned so far is working,..specially my trimming,... they went into 1st week of 12/12. i have nothing but 4-8 really nice looking flower sites on each lady bursting up to the light. what i did this time was to take off everything that wasnt getting light,..and i also started tucking some leaves below the buds,..so all bud sites get max light.
my water is sooo hard(300 ppm/7.2 pH). i am getting a ro unit(growonix 200) and will start using that, then, maybe i can begin to really dial in my nutes better.
i have been i guess under feeding and under watering, just so i dont hurt the ladies, but then i start to get that bright green new growth(i think cal/mag problem or nitrogen), but i just dont have the experience yet to tell(my second grow ever).
i topped once at 2-3 weeks into veg(5th set of leaves where on),..then i practiced fimming some,... and supercropping some,...it worked!,..the lower bud sites r now at the canopy with the rest.....also started c02, altho i am a little confused as far as the regulator is concerned, the verticle clear glass tube has a numbering scale on it that the little white ball is adjusted too,..starts at 1 (the lowest at bottom )and goes to 10(the highest) at the top,..does this mean 1 cubic feet per hour im wondering?..all the way to 10? per hour?. dont wanna pump to much into the house, and hurt myself ya know.
anyway,..these ladies look really healthy, flat leaves instead of curling or folding...good color, and great meristems!, like tree trunks!..lol....
what a learning curve this is,..soooo much knowledge and sooo many different ways to get certain results,..hopefully,..by my 3rd or more grow, i will have learned to not make the stupid mistakes, i think thats half of it myself.
1 thing i learned real quick was to NOT give them the labels recommended strength, i guess in some weird way, my hard water helped me from giving them to much by causing me to have to add alot of water to get my ppm's down under 1000 for veg(id do bout 15 gallons of nute as per the label mix, then i would have to add another 10 gallons just to get the ppm below 1000), cuz at full strength, i was at 1600-1700 ppm in the 4th week of veg, waaay to high i think.these 3 strains r a little different it seemed.
the indicas took whatever i gave them and just kept trucking (in veg). whereas the sativa(purple diesel) were real finniky, they were alot more sensitive to everything in veg. now, in flower, the sativa is rocking and the indicas a a little more sensitive to changes it seems,..weird to me, but oh well. i am just a noob at this, but someday i hope to be a master grower, and know just by looking at them what they r saying.
i think "feed the soil" is the correct way to aproach growing....what do u guys think?,(or gals)....
i am using sunshine#4 mix,..i will go to the advanced #4 next time,..and add some dolomite and pearlite, with a handful of worm castings i think. the sunshine advanced#4 has the mycorrazai stuff in it,..which,..i think is really a good way to help the root system be healthy. i added the great white powder this time(way expensive!), seems to be working so far....anyway, any tips, help, karma, advice, or just dialogue is thankfully recieved and welcome.
by the way, i am using technafloras recipe for success(i was given this nute line, i didnt pick it), but, i must say,..6 parts for a beginner grower?,..lol..i think i will try and find a much simpler 2 or 3 part nute system that is easier to use and better for me and the ladies, altho,..these nutes seem to be pretty decent so far(im guessing, cuz i really dont know that much bout any of this)..ok,..peace to all,..
ty for the welcome,..and yeah,..i obviously have alot to learn!,..lol..hope i last long enough to learn somin,..lol.(im sooo thankful for the "edit post button")..lol