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  1. B

    270W SCROG Hashberry Cabinet

    Yea can't wait to get some of that stuff going, waiting in nervous anticipation for them to arrive. Was also thinking of trying out the Jilly Bean for another easy grow with good flavour, yeild and the same high temp resistance. Checked out your earlier grows, you seem to have quite the green...
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    270W SCROG Hashberry Cabinet

    Those pictures look dam fine to me :D Never grown hashberry before but I have seeds in the post. I like the sound of its hot climate resistance (I come from Australia where the summers are scorchin). Also have an aerogarden closet setup looks a lot like yours. Can only hope it turns out as well...
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    Vaporizing Really That Good?

    How does a vaporizer reduce bud consumption exactly?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I'd better scoot anyways, Nice to meet you all, no doubt i'll be back for some more researching. L8rs
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hahah Miyagi, Been there, done that. I bet there would be a few out there right now, the weather would be just right for it. :D
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    My fiance doesn't even let me use the ac to cool my own ass down. I call her the gizmo nazi. At night we'll be watching tv then she just calls bedtime and turns everything off and the tv volume down real low. I'm left sitting in the dark straining to hear the idiot box. lol Anyone know a good...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    With that in mind does anyone here really have problems with their green ladies when it gets that hot, I mean if all production ceases at 35 degrees no one in australia would have any plants.
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Oh and i'm using dutchmaster max flower. This stuff must be super concentrated cause you only use 10ml per 10 litres
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Just ordered a blue lab truncheon :D $130.00 Looks quite big but that must be why they call it a truncheon, you can knock out intruders with it and it will still be calibrated. I'm currently sweating it out on the sunshine coast, been raining here for weeks and the sun just came out yesterday...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I noticed the price differences and thought along the same lines. I tried to get one down town but everywhere I went asking for an EC meter just came up with blank stares and a "whats that". So much for helping local retailers. Might just bite the bullet and get the dearer one. I mean if this...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yea it was pretty cheap, seeing as though i'm just a closet grower I didn't think I should break the bank on it. No solution with the pack. Be nice if they let the customer know all of these things beforehand. Ah well live and learn :)
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Looks like i need to get some calibrating fluid
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks for the info. It says EC meter on the box and EC on the pen itself. The instruction booklet is more like a 3 step pamphlet showing where the on switch and display screen are located. (must be for the mentally challenged) The brand is "eziTOOLS" the web site is
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hi everyone, new to rollitup. Just had a quick question, hoping someone here knows the answer. Just bought one of those EziTools EC meters and tested my water. The thing reads just "01" and has a little 100 up in the top left corner of the screen. I see everybody giving EC readings to the...